<![CDATA[Save Me, I'm Yours - Blog]]>Thu, 19 Dec 2024 02:56:51 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[FMSF and Unshackled]]>Thu, 14 Jun 2018 18:26:33 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/fmsf-and-unshackledCommonalities 
I wrote a review of Unshackled by Kathleen Sullivan before I read the book all the way through. I believed the book was another account that provided evidence that the cult involved in Nazi satanic rituals is a fact. I believed that other accounts confirmed the truthfulness of her story because of the consistencies; Namely: 
Kathleen Sullivan speaks of “Breeders”. 
The rituals are within Aryan-Nazi groups. 
Kathleen had, or rather was told she had, “demon alters”. In my experience my niece demonstrated that she could roll her eyes back into her head and dislocated her own elbow. 
According to Kathleen an analgesic alter-state dislocated her fingers without feeling pain. 
Kathleen remembers having a basket of snakes dumped on her. 
The “Butcher and Baker and Candlestick Maker” was a metaphor used in her programming and Kathleen describes her alters as being presented in a “Rip Vanwinkle” way. 
Kathleen had an alter system organized under Greek alphabet names Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta and Omicron.
Kathleen says she was raped by Jesus. 
Kathleen says her father and associated Nazis claimed to be reincarnated Knights Templar and went to meetings of the Golden Dawn. Aleister Crowley, was a student of the Golden Dawn. 
She was called a “chameleon”. 
She talks about Butterfly programming.  This is sometimes called “Monarch programming”. In my case my sister-in-law had me come to see what my niece had found. It was a butterfly with its wings pulled off. 
These similarities in many other accounts continued in the book, but their presence began to be more of an evidence that they were placed in her mind, rather than that they were remembered. 
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) 
Initially I was convinced, given my line of research and personal experience, that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is out to prove the accounts of survivors are false and this is their purpose for existence. Given that my life experience suggests the experiences are very real I stood with the survivors and demonized the work of the FMSF, without reading their perspective. After reading Unshackled thoroughly it is clear to see that this particular account is more a testimony in favor of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation’s claim that many of these ritual abuse accounts have been implanted by therapists using inappropriate forms of memory recall therapies. Kathleen Sullivan’s therapies are classic examples of the therapies warned about by the FMSF. 
The therapies warned about by the FMSF include engaging in “memory recovery techniques” such as drugged interviews, literal dream interpretation, journaling and hypnosis. Kathleen describes being subjected to all of these. Her memories first emerged in the psychiatric unit Bethesda where she and others were told they had demon alters. There was no shared consciousness until her alters “emerged”.  
Kathleen’s exposure to literal dream interpretation is especially concerning. At one point she dreamed that she witnessed her father’s murder then was taken to a warehouse where she was told to shoot a silhouette that she was told was her father. She then believes her father was taken to the warehouse, of her dream, and killed there then taken back to the car where he was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning. She claims to have witnessed her father attacked from the back seat with her father in the front, then while still alive he was taken to the warehouse she saw in her dream. She claims he was murdered at the warehouse then his body returned to the car. Her father’s body was found in the back seat of his car. The official record is that her father died of carbon monoxide poisoning, a suicide.
Kathleen claims that as part of the black ops training of her alters she was able to dodge bullets, Matrix style a guess. Given the implausibility of such a claim one would think she would be inclined to question such a memory. She took Judo self-defense training but was afraid to participate in fighting off an acting attacker in a padded suit. It would seem that given her claim to have black ops trained alters this would not be a fear. She dreamed that she was tasked with removing evidence of her dad’s involvement with the Aryan cult and CIA. It’s too bad she doesn’t have any of that documentation. She says she was involved with the Aryan Cult in Cobb County and has papers that verify her memories, but she doesn’t share them. She calls her recurring dreams and addiction to orgasms proof of her remembered experiences. 
The FMSF suggests that corroborating evidence should be sought for memories of abuse. The most gruesome account Kathleen shares is of her father forcing her to kill her own baby. She calls her baby Rose, and the baby she claims her father replaced her baby Rose with she names Emily. She raised Emily as her own daughter but fails to have a mother daughter bond with her. It seems that one of the most powerful corroborations Kathleen could present would be a DNA test confirming that her daughter Emily is not her biological daughter. This is not given. 
Kathleen tells us that her father was arrested for the sexual assault of children. Although this may be accurate she does not present any evidence in the way of documentation. I tend to believe she may have been molested by her father. This might explain why she fell into the hands of unscrupulous therapists. It may also have been suggested by Dr. X. 
One of Kathleen’s 21 therapists, a “Dr. R” asked her if it were possible that her memories were fantasy. She felt betrayed, became suicidal and said she wanted to see a Dr. X who had a dissociative disorder unit at Bedford Meadows. Dr. X had “dark, commanding eyes and voice [that] put clients into an immediate trance.” She and other clients were encouraged to focus on demon alters. Dr. X encouraged clients to visualize themselves pouring the “blood of Jesus” on internal child alter-states to chase away lurking demons. Dr. X also told them to “visualize placing alter-states in cages or sound proof rooms”. (p.282) It was under Dr. X she remembered being raped by Jesus. 
When Dr. X told Kathleen that she was fully integrated her friend told her that no one could fully integrate in just two months. I would add, she had no alters at all until she started therapy under Dr. X, who hypnotically introduced them. 
One therapist called Kathleen’s experiences hallucinations and noted that she had been given hallucinogenic drugs by a previous doctor. She says that those claiming to be advocates to help “deprogram” are cons posing as “good guys.” She acknowledges that some survivors claim they I(those who offer deprogramming) are good guys. She doesn’t believe they are good guys because memories of them did not “seep through in dreams” (p.352) 
In response to accusations that she made accusing her mother of abusing her, Kathleen’s mother tells her she has false memories. 
The New World Order 
            Kathleen’s notion that the Illuminati is an underground secret society made up of elites plotting to enslave the world under a dictatorship they call the “New World Order” comes from what she has read. Other survivors claim the illuminati is responsible for the abuse they suffered. When Kathleen returned to Dr. X she says a new alter called Lucifer emerged. (p.288) She talks about attending a Lucian meeting that was gentle and advocated for a “one world religion that would incorporate all religions.” (p.342). She informs us that the Lucius Trust provides a publishing company called Lucifer Publishing. She tells us that the purpose of Lucius Trust is to establish a “New World Order” or one world religion. This may be, but it doesn’t come across as threatening or malicious. An acceptance of a religious cooperative it positive. 
            Kathleen provides information she has learned from others who have said that the CIA contracted psychiatrists from MKULTRA and the False Memory Syndrome. She mentions the work of Alex Constantine author of Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. his research includes interviews with recovering Ritual Abuse and Mind Control victims. She mentions Dr. Colin Ross’s Bluebirdand and Carol Rutz, author of A Nation Betrayed. Kathleen’s claim that she was shipped overseas in a wooden crate may have come from her reading of Carol Rutz work. Carol Rutz tells us she was shipped in wooden crates. In short, Kathleen’s experience with Illuminati, New World Order conspiracy theories is what she learned from reading the work of others. 
Kathleen tells us that in 1997 she wrote a manuscript for MK, a’ cathartic fictional account’ of her life. What or who MK is was not explained. It would seem that at least some of what was written in her book, Unshackled, was a fictional account of her life, perhaps unintentionally. 
So, now I’m convinced that mental health professionals are responsible for false memories of ritual abuse and the Illuminati. I just have one question. Why? It serves the purpose of discrediting survivors. I am convinced there are survivors of ritual abuse, but the trail is murky, because not all survivors are survivors of ritual abuse. Some are survivors of twisted therapies. 

<![CDATA[More about the itanimulii]]>Thu, 17 May 2018 15:52:03 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/more-about-the-itanimuliiSince I downgraded my blog I am unable to respond to blog comments. I still receive the comments to my email. I would like to share the following comment to my blog post “Tangle with the itanimullI” (http://savemeimyours.com/blog/tangle-with-the-itanimulli) : 
Alexander has just posted a comment on your blog post, Tangle with the itanimullI:
Take a closer look on the full story how it's all started and finished here

<![CDATA[A Comment from God]]>Thu, 10 May 2018 19:48:41 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/a-comment-from-godI received the following in an associated email: 
God has just posted a comment on your blog post, Mark Phillips as Mind Control Master: 
Contact the FBI and tell whoever said their daughter is trapped to. This man needs to be stopped.
Unfortunately, I am unable to respond to the original post, of 3-29-15, because I downgraded my blog account. I don’t often get a response from the public, even if they are “God”. My response, if I could provide it from the associated post would be this: 
I’m sure the FBI are already well aware of Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien, given their anti-government activity. Cathy’s daughter was removed from her. Mark and Cathy complain about this in their books, “TRANCE Formation Of America” and “Access Denied”. The parents of the young girl controlled by Mark Phillips are faced with the problem that their daughter is not a minor. Getting loved ones out of a cult is not easy given they are there of their free will, or at least they have not exactly been kidnapped. 
<![CDATA[Robert Mueller has been targeted]]>Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:53:08 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/robert-mueller-has-been-targeted     I suspect Robert Mueller has been targeted by the same group that brought us Timothy McVeigh and the hold out at Randy Weaver’s cabin. These people are not just Illuminati conspiracy theorists. My introduction into their world came with knowing that children truly are being tortured and abused in a sick cult. These people simply answered my questions as to who and why. However inaccurate their understanding may be, they are answering questions themselves as to who is responsible for the abuse they know is occurring. Mikhayla Gracey is my pen name for my book Save Me, I’m Yours: Saving Our Children from Ritual Abuse and Nazi Mind Control. It is research into what has infected my own family. As uninformed as I may still be, the book is background into who I am and research into the questions I want answered.
     The following is a conversation I had on Facebook with a self-proclaimed survivor. Survivors claim to be trained to be operatives and assassins, for the Illuminati, with the objective of the New World Order, worldwide dictatorship style. This group is infamous for pointing fingers at the world elite. John Todd Collin claims to have met with President Kennedy on his yacht after he was shot. This may be ridiculous, but torturing children to turn them into killers is insane.
     Before you dismiss the claims of extreme abuse by the elite, consider this information from the book “Hypnotism” by George H. Estabrooks: Estabrooks hypnotized a subject at a tea party. The subject answered the door to find The Prime Minister of England. The subject carried on a conversation with the Prime Minister and had a wonderful time, except that the Prime Minister was a hypnotically induced hallucination.
My conversation is a window into what you should know:

A-S: Public would see just a nice proper guy.
            A-G: He looks like a Satanist in this photo.
            A-S: We see it, A-1 – who else?
            A-G: A-S no one you’re probably unfamiliar with.
        A-S: What does this sentence mean? My English is far not                  perfect as you know – when looking at this picture I even felt it hours afterward – are you referring to this effect or did I get you wrong?
       A-G: A-S he’s from a recent memory. Others I remember I      won’t list here.
L-S: He’s super scary.
Mikhayla: If he can get Trump off the seat of power he will be my hero. God’s speed to him.
            A-G: Trump is working with allies in the CIA in defeating the NWO (New World Order).
          A-G: His pursuit of Trump is an attempt to undermine these efforts.
            A-G: Mueller and the Bush family are both Bavarian Illuminati.
       A-G: P.S. I don’t know how comfortable I am with a friend extolling the merits of someone I’ve named as a perpetrator.
       Mikhayla: Trump is the predator. Between the two Trump is   Illuminati and Mueller the man working against evil in the Oval Office. This is obvious. Trump is a pussy grabbing, war mongering monster.
          A-G: Mikhayla my post has nothing to do with Trump. Extolling the merits of someone I’ve named as a perp is unacceptable.
A-G: P.S. I don’t know how comfortable I am with a friend extolling the merits of someone I’ve named as a perpetrator. I’ve seen this guy cut up infants & rape children, you may want to consider finding another hero.
Mikhayla: Your claims are regarding people currently in high positions. I can only assume you are still intimately involved with the organization that uses torture for political gain. How do you know what you claim to know? I suggest you create a distance between yourself and your sources, for your own safety.
       L-C: Why does what he has written mean he is still connected to a group of Satanist freaks (or just one of them)?
     A-B: Mikhayla, how in the world did you draw that conclusion about A-G still being involved with perps? All he did was mention a former abuser. It seems you have a problem accepting the reality that ritual abuse & mind control are practiced by many people in positions of power.
       Mikhayla: Creating a network of survivors to make accusations against people in important political positions can be a very effective tool. The question is, what actually happened? Is A-G being used? Even if A-G’s memories are of Mueller “raping babies”, it is more likely that they are implanted for political propaganda purposes than that it really happened. The timing of such claims is telling. I believe people in power do bad things at the same rate as the little people, but I also believe a person’s position can be a motive for accusations. Among Illuminati conspiracy theorists, and those claiming abuse at the hands of high profile people is the claim that JFK held an Illuminati party on his yacht AFTER he was shot.
       Mikhayla: Robert Mueller is investigating Russian meddling via propaganda. Surely you understand how this looks. A-G claims Trump is working against the Illuminati. That’s some truly insider information. Trump’s election is relatively recent. Surely you understand how this looks.
A-G: Mikhayla has been unfriended and will no longer be able to post here.
A-G: I’ll be honest with everyone, this has been quite hurtful.
       L-S: *hugs if ok* - I’m sorry we stayed so quiet – we got pretty triggered and spinny over everything she said and kind of trying to figure out where the ground is.
A-A: Safe hugs if ok, we got so triggered by her comments to you, can’t even imagine how hurtful it must have been for you. Sending good healing thoughts.
        A-G: Thank you, I’m feeling better.
        L-C: I’m not surprised, I’m sorry too. We were shocked (not all of us, some have not been sure before now) she would be so openly insensitive and cruel (and irrelevant I might like to add). You didn’t deserve that.
          A-G: Thanks L (-C).
         L-C: Welcome. You wouldn’t believe how difficult that was to not lose my temper with her. I thought she was disgusting if I’m honest here.
        A-G: L-C she has her issues, I’m sorry I allowed this person to be my friend and suggested my friends to her.
       L-C: That she does, but there is no excuse for the things she wrote IMO. We all have issues, we aren’t all heartless bleeps though. Not your fault, but thanks.
        J-J: A-G. I hope you are doing ok. I know Mikhayla in real though I don’t know her very well, I don’t agree with everything she says but she is also doing the best she can with keeping herself going. I am so sorry you were hurt. I hope we can still be friends though.
<![CDATA[Tangle with the itanimullI]]>Wed, 01 Nov 2017 23:35:10 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/tangle-with-the-itanimulliI am on Facebook frequently. Illuminati conspiracy theorists are intimately linked to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). My experience suggests the bad guys are those who promote the anti-government, anti-anyone who has accomplished more in life than the average folk, propaganda. I came across a meme that asserted that if you enter the word Illuminati backwards in the address window you find yourself at a government portal. I tried it. Sure enough I was at NASA's homepage. The address window (URL) also indicated that I was at NASA's homepage.
     I have had a small bit of training in web design; enough to know that you can design a page to be a portal redirecting the user to a different URL. Someone has bought the URL (itanimullI) and simply made it a portal to NASA's homepage.  
​    For those who believe their propaganda, that our government is evil and spying on every innocent citizen, it looks suspicious. To those, like myself, who find that the evidence points to the propagandists themselves, it looks suspicious. 
     Most of those accused of being bad guys by Illuminati conspiracy theorists are good guys at the end of pointing, guilty, fingers. There are bad guys in government positions, bad guys at NASA, I'm sure, and bad guys with simple web design skills. 
<![CDATA[Operation Underground Railroad]]>Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:39:56 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/operation-underground-railroadI showed up September 9th to run the 5k in support of O.U.R. (Operation Underground Railroad) I used the restroom and missed the race. I had the hopes of metaphorically stating that I would walk to the ends of the earth if I thought it would make a difference. Just because I missed the race doesn’t mean I can’t still make a difference.
After I did my research and published my book I developed my logo and thought I would use it to spread the word about ritual abuse. I am not the only one. Survivorship has their own logo. The race for O.U.R. was very well organized and the organization is not just one person wishing the world knew what she knew.
Operation Underground Railroad partners with governments and other agencies around the world to rescue and arrest buyers and human traffickers, raise awareness, and support aftercare for survivors. This organization is doing the work that one little person like myself cannot do. Spreading the awareness that O.U.R. is out there the most productive use of my time and effort.
I had a dream. I saw an aerial view of a crowd of people in a circle. The middle was empty but they formed a large circle and were turning. It looked like a hurricane. Then I saw a view of people arranged so that there was a center person with lines of people coming out from the center like spokes in a wheel. Then I saw it fill in and begin to turn and the center became empty again until it was the turning storm again. It is more powerful to have a crowd of people close together around a central idea, than to have branches of people around a person.
O.U.R. (Operation Underground Railroad) is organized to defeat Sex Trafficking. While there is much more to ritual abuse than sex trafficking, sex trafficking is a large part of what they do. It is the trauma in trauma based mind control.
I have felt alone since I wrote my book and designed my logo. There is not a lot one person can do and my ultimate hope was to do something about the abuse of loved ones and others. I believe my effort is better spent supporting the work of O.U.R. I am just one person. An underground railroad is what I wanted all along. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. I will become one head in the spinning storm.
What We Can Do to Help:
  1. Talk to our friends and family about sex trafficking (There were children at the race. A woman asked a little boy if he knew why he was there. He did. He was there to help rescue children from bad people.)
  2. Support O.U.R. Visit OURrescue. org to learn more about what you can do.
  3. Be aware of warning signs and vulnerabilities. (There are a few specific to ritual abuse. That’s where books like mine help. Is a child asking whether an eyeball can be put inside them?) If you suspect someone may be a victim of human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1 888-373-7888 or text 233733 (BeFree). What I have needed is evidence. They will too, but we are not alone in the fight.
I developed my logo and opened a store with Cafepress. I can’t lower the prices. Cafépress sets them. Still, this is a glimpse at where I have been
. http://www.cafepress.com/savemeimyours
This is the logo to get behind to support action now http://ourrescue.org
<![CDATA[Exam ]]>Sat, 18 Mar 2017 05:05:37 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/examExam
Answer True or False 
1. There were eclectic, secret society occult organizations claiming to be branches of the Illuminati and the Templars and utilizing the structure of the Masons just before the rise of Nazi Germany. 
True or False 
2. Adolf Hitler was a disciple of an occult fraternity which styled itself after Masons and claimed a heritage linked to the Templars. 
True or False 
3. The Nazi SS considered themselves to be an occult fraternity of warrior monks. They referred to themselves as "The Black Order". 
True or False 
4. Dr. Josef Mengele conducted extremely sadistic mind control experiments in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. 
True or False 
5. American intelligence agencies provided visas to Nazi War criminals after WW2 in exchange for information and scientific skills. 
True or False
6. Nazis brought to the US under Operation Paperclip were provided a cover job at Radio Liberty from which they dispense Illuminati conspiracy theory propaganda. 
True or False 
7. MK-Ultra was an operation in mind control conducted by the CIA without the knowledge of the executive branch until 1994.
True or False 
8. Unwitting American citizens were used as subjects in Project MK-Ultra. 
True or False 
9. Mike Warnke claimed to have inside information regarding the occult organization the Illuminati. He describes rites he himself devised which included rape and initiation rites which included cutting off the fingers of devotees. 
True or False 
10. Mike Warnke went on to become an evangelical preacher. 
True or False 
11. John Todd Collins preached regarding the Illuminati and New World Order claiming government leaders were involved in the occult order.
True or False 
12. John Todd Collins was charged with rape. 
True or False 
13. John Todd Collins claimed to have met President Kennedy on a yacht after President Kennedy was assassinated, and that the assassination was staged.
True or False 
14. John Todd Collins personally influenced Randy Weaver and his family who believed his rhetoric about the Illuminati and the New World Order. 
True or False
15. Randy Weaver was involved with the Aryan Nation and standoff with the FBI at his cabin at Ruby Ridge. Outside his cabin he raised a sign that read "STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDER". 
True or False
16. Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips wrote a book claiming that Cathy is a victim of sadistic mind control of prominent government figures. Mark and Cathy speak of government officials’ involvement in the occult and plotting for a New World Order.
True or False 
17. Cult specialist Steve Hassen recognized that Cathy O'Brien was under a mind control spell of her handler Mark Phillips.
True or False 
18. Radio Liberty continues to broadcast Illuminati conspiracy theories. There were many fake news sources in 2016 declaring involvement of government officials in a plot to bring about a New World Order and/or involvement in the occult Illuminati. 
True or False 
19. Media sources that push Illuminati conspiracy theories consistently supported Donald Trump and demonized Hillary Clinton and President Obama during the 2016 election. 
True or False 
20. Media sources that distribute Illuminati-New World Order conspiracy theories consistently support citizen militias, white supremacists and the alt-right. 
True or False 
Essay questions: 
In your own words present an argument for or against the likelihood that there is an underground occult secret society organization using Masonic structures. 
In your own words present an argument for or against the possibility that said secret society would be associated with white supremacists and promotes fascism. 
In your own words would said secret society support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton and President Obama and support your argument. 
What have you learned from this course and how can you use what you have learned in your life today. 

All answers are true. 

Loftus, J. (1982/2011). America’s Nazi Secret, Walterville, OR:
TrineDay LLC.
Goodrick-Clark, N. (1985/1992). The Occult Roots of Nazism:
Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, Washington Square, New         York: New York University Press.
Walter, J. (1995). Every Knee Shall Bow: The Truth & Tragedy of
Ruby Ridge & The Randy Weaver Family, New York, N.Y.: Regan Books an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
Warnke, M. (1972). The Satan Seller, South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge
Hicks, D. E. & Lewis, Dr. D. A. (1979). The Todd Phenomenon: Ex-
Grand Druid vs. the Illuminati Fact or Phantasy?, Harrison, Ark: New Leaf Press.
Ross, C. A. (2006). The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations By
American Psychiatrists, Richardson, TX: Manitou Communications, Inc., Originally published as BLUBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists.
United State Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session (1977).
Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program on Research into Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, U.S. Government Printing Office; Hosted by Gulf War Vets, Retrieved December 1, 2011 from http://www.gulfwarvets.com/ProjectMKULTRA.pdf
Phillips, M. & O’Brien, C. (1995). Trance Formation of America, Reality Marketing, Inc.

<![CDATA[All About Sneetches and FEMA]]>Thu, 17 Nov 2016 18:42:13 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/-all-about-sneetches-and-femaI have accepted the challenge I asked of others, to speak to their families, friends and neighbors regarding their life stories. This is the difference between the cities that voted for Secretary Clinton, the protestors, and those who have missed out on the beauty of diversity and unconditional love found in the cities. If you know my story, have read my book, you understand the extreme lengths I am going to. I started my dialogue with my family via Facebook. First I thumped them upside the head, they said ouch and thumped me back, and now we have finally recognized that speaking with a compassionate heart, which we all knew existed in one another all along, is a better approach. The Starbelly Sneetches (Seuss, Dr. (1953, 1954, 1989) have hope of understanding one another. Those who voted for Hillary Clinton come from the cities, where those who craved the shelter of unconditional love found it in the diversity of cities. To the homesick in the cities, it’s time to come home, if only through the magic of the communication age.

Of interest to those who have read my book, my aunt has asked me to look into the FEMA concentration camps that are being built during the “Obama administration”. And the can opener connects with the can of worms. Apparently she doesn’t know yet that I sort of wrote the book on FEMA concentration camps. (Gracey, 2013/2014, pp306-307, 309). It’s time to introduce my family to the three faces of me. Hold your breath. We are in for a ride. 

Gracey, M. (2013/2014) Saving our Children from Ritual Abuse and Nazi Mind Control, Save Me, I’m Yours, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Seuss, Dr. (1953, 1954, 1989) The Sneetches and other stories, Random House, Redbook 65pp. (July 1953) The Sneetches, March 1954, The Zax, renewed 1989. (On Googling Starbelly I found that there is a restaurant in San Francisco, CA called Starbelly. Is it a coincidence that this restaurant is in San Francisco? I think not.

<![CDATA[Calling from the Train]]>Thu, 10 Nov 2016 19:36:51 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/calling-from-the-trainYesterdays post: The reason I have not unfriended Trump supporters: 

A intend to be on the train that passes by your church every day. 

Andy Andrews tells about a train that passed just behind a church every day like clockwork carrying cattle cars filled with Jews crying for help. The people in the church would sing from their hymnals as loudly as they could to drown out the cries. Andrews calls the chapter "How Loudly are you Singing?" The name if the book is How Do You Kill 11 Million People? Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think. 

<![CDATA[On Your Side]]>Thu, 27 Oct 2016 01:37:47 GMThttp://savemeimyours.com/blog/on-your-side When the police are the bullies who is going to protect me from the police?

The abuse was intentional and sadistic. I was taken from the hospital, to the detention center, because I kicked the officer trying to restrain me. I pressed at the bruise on my wrist while in the rubber room, wondering where I got it. I remembered having cuffs put on me with my hands behind my back and screaming, “You’re hurting me!” I pounded on the door of the rubber room telling them I needed to use the restroom and they gave me a cup of water. I used it to poop in. They decided it was time to move me into a cell with a toilet. I was kept in a freezing cement cell without a blanket, mattress or pillow. It did have a toilet. I was denied medication or medical care for an emergency medical condition.

They know that what they did was wrong. They lied about the date that I was booked because they felt the need to cover up what they had done. It was stated in their own report I was “unwilling/unable” to provide my name and address.

I was arrested for kicking a police officer who was trying to restrain me, while in a hospital. The longer a psychotic episode lasts the more likely I am to have psychotic episodes with more frequency in the future. The police kept me in the detention center for three days without treatment while I was in a psychotic state. The police want to brag about having a hero's job? When any job attracts admiration for a job well done, those unworthy of it need to be weeded.

If you can't tell the difference between someone who is having a mental break and someone who's intoxicated then don't try. It's not your job. As an EMT we are advised not to diagnose. According to my training as an EMT an altered state of consciousness is always a medical emergency. There should be no rubber rooms in detention centers. If it seems there's a need for one the person should be in the hospital. Not all EMTs are heroes. One of my fellow EMTs called his steel toed boots bum kickers.

As a resource teacher I had a student in my class who was classified BD. That's behavior disordered. He hated the police. He had seen the police beat his mother. His mother was a meth addict and probably dealing. Still that leaves an impression on a young boy’s mind. I tried to convince the boy that the police were on his side and that he should call the police if he was ever in trouble. The boy was high risk. Today I regret not being more of an advocate for the boy.

Does it surprise you to hear that I've had respectable professions? There seems to be a misconception that the mentally ill are in a constant state of psychosis. I've had three psychotic episodes since 1997. In the meantime I've been a contributing member of society. Correction, I am a contributing member of society, unless society can find a way to render me an expendable.

The letter from my doctor, which I provide as evidence of my diagnosis, was intended for a different purpose and a different time. My doctor wrote the letter in 2014 because my testimony is important. There is a criminal organization that would like to see me dead, but more than that they would like to discredit me. This organization knows that I'm bipolar and will absolutely use this against me. When I am in a state of psychosis it may be difficult to understand me much less believe what I say. Psychosis has been a rare occurrence in my case. A psychotic episode is an episode not a constant state. This organization in question is notorious for using LSD for the purpose of discrediting their subjects. In fact they invented it, literally, and for that purpose.

I was concerned when I was in the detention center because I thought perhaps the homeless man who spent the night in our condo the night before my psychotic episode occurred had drugged me. I am still not convinced that he had nothing to do with the psychotic episode. If the police had provided me with a drug test in an attempt to prove their accusation that I was intoxicated or under the influence of a drug, it might have provided me with evidence as to whether I was drugged or whether this was a psychotic episode due to mania. 

By the time the police found me walking along highway 201 I had narrowly escaped being hit by two vehicles. The police identified me as having mental problems, but the trooper felt that leaving me at a gas station on the opposite side of the freeway was a more convenient option then dropping me off at a hospital. I was exhausted and a house with an open door was as welcoming as my roommate’s bed had been the last time I had a psychotic episode. A comfortable place to sleep is not accompanied with thoughts of who the sofa or bed might belong to when one is having a psychotic episode. You simply sleep on it. When the police found me I thought they were robbers, so I left the house to find a safer one. I clearly wasn’t making any sense, they said, so one intelligent officer suggested I should be taken to the hospital.

When I was freed from the cement jail hell, because I had decided to participate with their game of book the prisoner, I demanded to know why I was there. A young naïve officer informed me that I had been arrested for public intoxication, assault on an officer, and trespassing. I told the officer I was not intoxicated. I thought maybe the homeless man had drugged and raped me.
Now the officer was determined to assure me, “We are on your side!” 
I pointed to the jail hell behind me and said, “Well that was fun.” He looked confused.
I needed a boy in my classroom to believe the police when they say, “We are on your side.”
The lie is really in the word “we” isn’t it?
Not every EMT is on your side.
Not every teacher is on your side.
Not every trooper is on your side.
Not ever police officer is on your side.
Speak for yourself.
I am a teacher, and I am on your side.
I am an EMT, and I am on your side.
You are a trooper.
Are you on my side?
You are a police officer. 
Are you on my side?
Who are you?
Are you on my side?
