In 1880 Leopold Engel reorganized Weishaupt’s Order. In 1884 Reverend A.F.A Woodford came across a cipher in a book store and with the aid of Macgregor Mathers decoded the cipher. They created rituals and founded the Order of the Golden Dawn. When the Order split the original order became Stella Matutina headed by Dr. Robert Felkin. Dr. Felkin traveled to Germany to discover who the “Hidden and Secret Chiefs” of the order were. His search ended with meeting Rudolf Steiner, an occultist who had been a member of the Theosophical Society founded by Madam Blavatsky and possibly the revived Illuminati of Leopold Engel. Steiner incorporated Gnosticism, Luciferianism, Johannism, Grand Orient Masonry and Rosicrucianism. The Masons formally denounced all association with Steiner, those associated with the Theosophical Society and any pseudo-Masonic rites. As you may know, Aleister Crowley started his occult career in the Golden Dawn with Macgregor Mathers. Aleister Crowley stated in his newsletter that the organization he headed, the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), held the secrets of the Illuminati. It was Madam Blavatsky who brought the symbol of the swastika from Tibet, to be later completely perverted by the Nazis.
These quasi-Masonic occult orders that started with the infiltration of the Masons with the Illuminati are directly responsible for the rise of Nazi Germany:
In 1909, Adolf Hitler sought out the literature of The New Templars, founded by Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. In 1932, Liebenfels announced to his group that Hitler was one of their pupils and, “You will one day experience that he, and through him we, will one day be victorious, and develop a movement that will make the world tremble.”48 (–Save Me, I’m Yours: Saving Our Children from Ritual Abuse and Nazi Mind Control by Mikhayla Gracey p.70)
….the Thule Society… Karl Maria Wiligut and Heinrich Himmler at the castle at Wewelsburg headquarters of what would become the occult Black Order of the Nazi SS.
Then of course we have the idiots in our American Intelligence agencies who recruited these Black Occultists after WWII (see project Paperclip).
Now we have survivors of concentration camp inspired torture and mind control atrocities who are telling us that they are victims of the Illuminati with German Speaking Nazis at the head. They say they are victims of a subproject of the Mind Control experiments started with the CIA’s infamous MKULTRA project; the declassified documents of which clearly outline the objective of exactly what these survivors describe. In 1943 George H. Estabrooks published Hypnotism. This book openly states Estabrooks’ success in creating mind controlled military assets to be used as spies and assassins. He acknowledges the splitting of their mind and justifies the torture as being the necessary grim business of war. Why, in God’s name, is there any reason to not believe the multitude of consistent survivor accounts?