We know based on quotes of Weishupt himself that the order made every member a spy against every other member and everyone around them. Their agenda was to over throw those in power and place their own leadership into positions of power. The infiltration of the Illuminati into the Masonic orders gave rise to quasi-Masonic occult orders that spread through Germany, and France, and well, globally. If the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), founded by German spies Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss, and eventually lead by British intelligence informant Aleister Crowley, is any indication of the work of the Illuminati, then that should be enough said, but it’s just not, enough said. The Nazi SS was a black order of “warrior monks” designed after these quasi-Masonic occult orders. After World War II Intelligence agencies of other countries including Great Britain and America recruited these Nazi war criminals. Survivors of ritual abuse and mind control are telling us that they have been victims of atrocities committed by Nazi doctors recruited by said intelligence agencies as subjects of mind control experiments. It should be said that MKULTRA is conspiracy fact, not theory. Project paperclip is conspiracy fact, not theory.
Here in America, Nazi recruits were given jobs at Radio Liberty, where even today they spew, of all things, Illuminati conspiracy theory. Their initial idea of using the good name of the organizations they infiltrated and keeping their true identity secret failed, they were discovered, and recruiting for the Illuminati was declared a capital offense. Today they opt for imposing their sullied name and agenda on those they choose to dismantle. Their objective is the same. Dismantle those in power and rule over mankind. Illuminati conspiracy theorists describe the Illuminati accurately enough. They just point to those in positions of authority and call them the secret chiefs of the Illuminati. Sure, they sound like nuts. They don’t care. Those they have brainwashed through torture know very well that the Illuminati are no joke, and that a world run by the Illuminati is hell waiting in the sidelines. Regardless of whether the brainwashed victims of the Illuminati remember their torture, no one will believe them. They sound like, well, Illuminati conspiracy theorist. Nesta Webster was a fascist spewing Illuminati conspiracy theory in 1924, even before Radio Liberty. Now that I have provided a complimentary overview of my book, let’s have a look at the politics of survivors.
Many survivors find the work of Illuminati Conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche and believe the old worn out lies. They may even recognize that LaRouche used forms of mind control and torture borrowed from Ewen Cameron to recruit his party members, but they don’t realize that the evidence that our world leaders are Illuminati higher ups is the work of those in the LaRouche movement, and similar Illuminati conspiracy theorists, who were not so prone to fact finding. The Queen of England is a drug pusher and President Bush would never authorize the autobiography they wrote for him. They believe President Obama is a Muslim, who hates America. The clues are all there. Look, they point out, that ring on Obama’s finger, its satanic! Every Masonic symbol is recognized by them as being satanic. These symbols have certainly been experienced by them under conditions that would convince anyone at the deepest level that this is true. Survivors have suffered extreme religious abuse, often in the name of Christianity. They have been conditioned to believe in extremes. Either they belong to Satan, or they had better give themselves completely to Jesus. Their version of giving themselves to Jesus becomes right wing extremism. When Christian extremism or hell is the only choice they know they often choose the hell written by Christian extremists. They spew the same propaganda rant dished out by organizations such as Radio Liberty. In other words, the Nazis have landed and they are creating an army of Nazis. They mold their army from our children, using violations, and gross abuse beyond human comprehension. They use mind control and torture. This had to have been how it happened in Germany.
I never paid much attention to politics. I voted and trusted those in office to do the right thing. A look at Nazi politics should reveal what is coming if we do nothing to stop it. Survivors of Nazi torture and mind control will bring it our way soon enough, convinced all the while that they are doing the will of God. Look at politics today. There are far too many swayed by this insanity to push them to the side anymore. Nazis are right wing extremists, and they are left wing extremists. They are fascists. Why they hate communists is hard to understand given that they were communist themselves except that they had a different idea about who the ruling party should be. They took it upon themselves to impose their bigotry and hatred and make it law. “Positive Christianity” would be the national religion, do or die. Racial superiority was declared a God given justification for the genocide of anyone who didn’t fit their version of superiority. They were nationalists, patriots in the extreme. Be German, subjects to Germans, or die. You all know what a Nazi is, right? If not, you might start by reading the Nazi Party Platform. Nationalism felt good to a humiliated German people. It felt good enough to avoid knowing what they really should have known. They should have read the Nazi platform.
The terms right wing, and left wing, came about during the French Revolution. Those seated on the left of the king tended to favor the revolution. They were concerned about the welfare of the people and believed that change away from a monarchy would be good. Those on the right side of the table tended to side with supporting monarchism and maintaining the traditions of the past. It was Nesta Webster’s theory that the Illuminati were responsible for the French Revolution, that their objective is the over throw of monarchs. I suppose if the next step would have been to replace the king with their own hierarchy this might have been true. Today Illuminati conspiracy theorist would have us believe that the monarchs, and all world leaders, are the Illuminati already. Survivors tell us that the subproject of Mk-ultra they have been subjected to is called project Monarch.
Right wing extremists believe in monarchism, and extreme hierarchies. They are fascists. They believe their religion should be dictated to the masses. The strangest twist to this among Illuminati conspiracy theorists is that Christian extremism is being pawned off as an alternative to a satanic “one world religion,” with the idea that everything else is satanic. Right wing extremists believe that traditions should not change, even when the tradition has proven to be destructive to humanity. Women have always been inferior. God said so. Why would you assume otherwise? They believe in survival of the fittest. They believe they should not have to pay for someone else’s education or health care. They will not be made to be their brother’s keeper. They advance capitalism in the extreme, with unregulated freedom of business. So what if the price of medications necessary for someone’s survival will cost them their inheritance, their life savings, and the life savings of all of their children. That’s just survival of the fittest. When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping, on the foreclosed mortgages of widows.
Those in the right wing seem to believe that compassion is something God provides to the right wing alone, for the sake of their superiority. They will buy a crucifix to wear to church on Sunday and assure themselves that for that, they will be welcomed with open arms by Jesus, but that miserable homeless woman who paid for the crucifix they bought with her last mite, which they took, will die miserably in hell, because she was unfit, and Jewish. The Jewish king will hate her, right? Forgive me if it seems that I fail to understand right wing extremism. I confess; I don’t.
My failure to understand right wing extremism has placed a wedge between me and many survivors, but so far the only one to unfriend me on Facebook did so because I support the right to bear arms. He wasn’t a survivor. My friends in the Democratic Party just don’t understand why I would not support gun control. I responded to this man’s post which argued that the right to bear arms was never meant for citizens to own guns. I was meant to be the right of our military to own guns. I said, “In Nazi Germany it was like this: You live next to a journalist who has written articles in opposition to the Nazi Party. You stand outside and watch as officers of the law come and drag your neighbor and her family out on the lawn there, and execute them.” The man sent me a private message and told me I was being entirely too “contentious.” I told him I was scared. He said, “Scared of what?” He unfriended me before I could explain that I am the journalist next door. The Nazis have come into my home and threatened my family. I hid in the basement and called my neighbor for help. He called me “contentious” and hung up on me. I understand that guns are not the sort of toys most people with compassionate hearts like to play with, but it is completely unrealistic to imagine that disarming citizens with compassionate hearts might be the answer. Convince me that I am safe from those who wear badges first, then talk to me about why I don’t need a gun. I will tell you then, that I need a gun because I like to shoot at targets. Why are we sending guns to citizens in Syria if guns are such a threat to peace and innocent citizens? My title for this paragraph is: My Platform: I am too “Contentious” to be the Dalai Lama.
You might have guessed by now that I hang to the left. I don’t understand when it was that the left decided to trust the hierarchy to protect the rights of the people. Did they forget how America became America? Citizens used guns to defy a hierarchy. Isn’t this always the case in wars? I hang to the left. I would arm the citizens before I would arm the hierarchy. I have had survivors assure me that there are as many Illuminati members on the left as there are on the right. If disarming American citizens has become the new left, I would have to agree.
Survivors assure me that there are as many Illuminati members on the left as there are on the right. Survivors point out that the Tuskegee experiments, and the government experiments survivors claim to be subjected to, would be made possible far too easily if socialized medicine became a reality. The word Nazi comes from the term National Socialism. The idea of a government providing the necessities of life appealed to a group who recognized that the power to control these necessities of life was, well, powerful. I signed a petition to reverse the custody of Justina Pelletier from our government to her parents. Our government assumed the right to remove her from the custody of her parents because her parents requested a second opinion regarding their daughter’s medical care. It most certainly is possible for government to assume too much control under a socialist system. Again, I don’t understand what Nazis had against communism. I fail to recognize the difference. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” The extreme left is certainly every bit as dangerous as the extreme right.
I recognize that capitalism has provided opportunities to those with personal drive and ingenuity to achieve the great American dream. Capitalism has provided the opportunity for creative individuals to succeed and the benefits of their ingenuity and creativity are benefits of the society at large as well. There is nothing wrong with rewarding those who have found a way to stand above the crowd. I understand that healthy business is good for the economy, but the economy for whom? Slave labor is always good for the economy, of business men. I hang to the left.
When I say that I believe in social equality I mean that I believe in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, rather than the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. On the right we have the callous belief in the survival of the fittest. On my version of left we have the notion that the fittest to survive are those who recognize that life, liberty and the happiness of others is directly connected to the ability to achieve the same for every individual, including themselves. Yes, I do believe this is possible. We can provide for the necessities of life for everyone, and still have resources left over for the entrepreneur, and we don’t have to relinquish all rights of citizens to do it. Yes, taxation is necessary to redistribute the resources in this way. Either deal with it or give up the concept of money all together. To the top wealthiest 1%: your slave labor simply got up and walked away. We build houses for each other now. We feed each other now. We provide medical needs to each other now. We are not asking for your permission. We don’t need it. Why was it we thought we needed you in the first place?
I hang to the left. I believe that we are directly connected to the planet we live on. If we kill off the planet in our greed and drive for temporary personal satisfaction, we kill ourselves. It’s suicidal and homicidal, and the epitome of ignorance, to the degree that I simply don’t understand why this is not a clear cut bipartisan issue.
I hang to the left. I believe in the need to recognize the rights of women, ethnic minorities, gay people, people, people, and frankly animals, yes, and animals. If an animal is to be deemed food, that doesn’t mean it cannot be granted a life of dignity and comfort until it is needed. The meat would be healthier for consumption, this is a proven fact. Survivors are trained to be assassins at a very young age. Their programmers start off with giving children the “choice” between killing a puppy or kitten or personal torture. Psychopaths may be born or conditioned. Callousness toward the rights of animals does not make for a healthy human condition.
I am a liberal. It concerns me deeply that everyone is not. To be liberal means that I believe in liberty, the rights of every individual, limitations on power in governments and religion, free public education , free exchange of ideas, a transparent system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected. Open democracy and open and fair elections. I believe every citizen should have equal rights under the law and equal opportunity to succeed. I naively assumed everyone was liberal at heart. My first experience with a conservative’s attack against liberals was a bit of a confusing kick in the head. She presented a picture of Muslim girls in shackles and burqas. The caption was a rant against Liberals, who it implied would condone such a scene in the interest of freedom of religion; a scene in fact that was unfairly reactionary against Muslims given that the picture could have been, and probably was, staged.
Now would be a good time to define a conservative. A conservative defends established values regardless of how outdated they may be. They insist on preserving the status quo or even returning to a more barbaric past for the sake of tradition. The picture demeaning Muslims and accusing liberals for being responsible for the scene was stunning beyond words. The Muslim tradition could not be said to be liberal. The Muslim tradition tends to be as conservative as the rants of the Christian extremist who was pushing this confusing propaganda. Conservatives, it would seem, insist on promoting violent hate filled wars against other conservatives who insist on promoting violent hate filled wars and they want to blame liberalism? All I can say is that I do believe this woman is a survivor of Nazi mind control. Rational thought is the enemy of Nazi mind control. Mind control uses torture, and highly emotional slogans to push a propaganda that would never stand in the face of rational thought. God help us. Those I have dedicated my life to advocating for are the Nazis they need most to oppose in order to achieve their own freedom. How do you get a Nazi created by torture and mind control to slow down and listen to reason?
You would think that members of ethnic minorities would be liberal. If you have read my book and my blogs you may know who I am referring to when I say, “Mr. Army Jacket.” Mr. Army Jacket is a Puerto Rican, skin head. One has to wonder if his devotion to Nazi ideology will inspire him to march his own brown butt into the local concentration camps he helps to build. He reeks of Illuminati conservatism. He is so grateful he found Christianity. Jesus will forgive every sin he has committed, or ever will. Christianity is like a cosmic “get out of jail free card.” He believes there needs to be a balance between good and evil. Where have I heard that before? I believe I can name a few other Illuminati “get out of jail free” card carrying Christians who mangle the Taoist Yin and Yang symbol as well. An imbalance of power is evil. The solution to evil is balance of power. Power is not evil or good. It simply is. An imbalance between male and female is evil. Gender is not good, or evil. It simply is. The twisted perversions of sacred symbols are exhausting to unravel. Mr. Army Jacket believes in the survival of the fittest. The harsh reality of the streets taught him that, and he is a survivor, he assures me. He also shared that he is a diagnosed sociopath. It would seem that being a member of an oppressed group is not a vaccination to Nazi mind control. All it really takes is a tortured mind filled with hate and self-righteous justification, and in inability to process rational thought. No, not all survivors are Nazis, but many have had alters intentionally created to have Nazi ideology. We can have compassion for these tortured Nazi minds, but we cannot allow those who created them to win this war.