I might call her, she who must be obeyed, she devil, or just, she for short. No, I’m not afraid. She for short is a threat to me mostly because I am a threat to her. I am a threat to her. People should really keep their noses clean around me. I’m a notorious tattle tell. She doesn’t know how, to clean her nose.
It has been a while since I added to the game of clue. The time has come to watch my back, and as I have said before, my blog is open to the public, and there are interested parties who read it. Jason has moved along. Don, has found an ally, in a position of power. They discuss books like “The Road,” and she offers that she liked to eat raw meat from the fridge as a child. I asked if her mother told her she would get worms, the way my mother did when I ate raw cookie dough. She wears her makeup differently day to day and I sometimes wonder who she is going to be. I can always be sure, she is another nemesis. She told me so early on. I believed her, but I didn’t suspect she had such a strong link to the Illuminati, NWO, Nazi nuts I have been encountering, until recently. I have had a hard time convincing myself that there might be a link, considering her position.
I might call her, she who must be obeyed, she devil, or just, she for short. No, I’m not afraid. She for short is a threat to me mostly because I am a threat to her. I am a threat to her. People should really keep their noses clean around me. I’m a notorious tattle tell. She doesn’t know how, to clean her nose.
Phillips, M. & O’Brien, C. (1995). TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips, Guntersville, AL: Reality Marketing, Incorporated.
p.1 Mark Phillips – As the employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research, I was required to sign an oath of secrecy…. among other “sensitive” exposures, a U.S. DOD subcontractor in mind-control research. p.9 I would soon be working for the Ampex Corporation and with the U.S. Department of Defense in a civilian capacity. The defense work closely associated me with top research scientists working in the area of primate and human behavior modification…. The sites included teaching hospitals, state mental institutions, military bases, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) facilities, and the Yerkes Primate Center. The secrets I had learned so well concerning powers of persuasion, both conscious and subliminal, had long since become a functioning part of my mind’s arsenal of defensive and offensive tools of control. p.14 (He is told about program codes using telephone ring and Biblical passages. He worked with and got his information from CIA operatives.) p.15 …I had remembered the Nazi mind-control research performed under Himmler’s command on the families of north European multi-generational Satanists. Christianity, particularly Catholicism, was Himmler’s pick of the religions’ litter for targeting “Chosen Ones” for his hideous mind-control experiments. These Chosen Ones were to be the robotic leaders of Hitler’s New World Order. (Now this I believe. Given my research.) p.19 During this five-month period, with Kelly in school and no telephone to distract us, I began intensifying my deprogramming efforts with Cathy. Most days, our work started the moment we returned home from taking Kelly to school. As soon as Kelly was in bed at night, after dinner and homework, we resumed our “sessions”. We worked like this day and night, seven days a week, focused intensely on the deprogramming process, until I would pass out from exhaustion around three o’clock in the morning. In spite of reporting to the FBI that I was a hypnotist, I knew that if the FBI and CIA could prove through my admissions I was using hypnosis on Cathy, her testimony in court would be worthless. Therefore, the threat of reprisal from the CIA was averted. In fact, through my own intensive research of hypnotherapy I learned how to control Cathy’s trance states. I regarded it as unhypnotizing her. Cathy understood and agreed that, in order for her to have absolute control of her mind, she must place total trust in me and the therapy regime. 1.) I maintained a constant vigil to ensure Cathy’s physical and psychological safety from all outside influences. 2.) ...(4) We devoted many hours to “intellectual discussions” of Cathy’s learned religious beliefs and they were “logically” debunked, just as if I were explaining how the illusions of a magician’s tricks worked to confuse reality. 3.) (5) No expression of emotion by Cathy would be permitted during the memory recovery and journaling process. I never asked her “how does that make you feel?” (This IS mind control! Hello! Keep subject isolated from all outside influence. Keep them exhausted. Never allow them time to process, only accept. Use hypnosis. They were isolated in Alaska.) p.20 Cathy was not allowed to read books, newspapers, or magazines, to watch TV, or to discuss with Kelly anything she recalled. I often wondered if I had fallen in love with Cathy as a result of my developing the psychological malady known as the Stockholm syndrome. (FYI, Stockholm syndrome it the phenomenon of a prisoner falling into total admiration for their captor. It would be Cathy falling under the spell of Stockholm syndrome, not Mark, who controlled everything.) p.21 (Mark got his books to use on Cathy from Anchorage Public Library under the direction of a secret operative.) - “Have you read any good books by Dr. Milton Erickson lately?” I replied, “No, but I am checking out one by (psychiatrist) Dr. William S. Kroger entitled Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.” “Oh, yes,” she said. “I’m a real fan of Dr. Kroger and he is a real fan of Dr. Erickson who you know is considered the father of subliminal mind-control (theory) research. (FYI: Dr. Milton Erickson / Dr. William S. Kroger / Dr. Erickson are NOT good people. They all have histories of being unethical. Using electro “therapy” and while under hypnosis asking female clients to disrobe, etc….) p.22 Mark sought out: Boston “deprogrammer,” an ex-Moonie programmer by the name of Steve Hassen. (FYI, I have read the work of Steve Hassen. Mark did not like Mr. Hassen, because Mr. Hassen recognized that Cathy was being programmed by Mark Phillips and tried to free her. In fact the work of Mr. Hassen outlines the methods of mind control. His outline on mind control would make it clear to any reader that the information I have provided already regarding Mr. Phillips methods of “deprogramming” Cathy, clearly depict the opposite. These are the methods of mind-control, NOT “deprogramming”.) Mark calls himself a “patriot;” As does every other mind control expert - Illuminati-NOW panic spreading nut, with “information” regarding the Illuminati as celebrities and world leaders. p.16 “In retrospect this was the birthing process of evolving from man to patriot p.31 Through armed revolution, we patriots will perish and the emergence of a totally government controlled society will herald in another period of “dark ages”. As a proud gun owner, armed with insider knowledge, I know we are technologically out-gunned. Whereas if we choose to evolve through the challenges to our psyche that developed communication technologies present we can reinstate our Constitution and set our people free. Revolution or Evolution –change in life as we know it is inevitable. Each of us must now take a stand to commit a portion of our individual time and diminishing resources to support the action groups and individuals who are not afraid to work at taking back our government through mass exposure of its crimes. We must seek new leaders who will be committed to doing the most with the least. These leaders share the battle cry that SILENCE DOES (indeed) EQUAL DEATH. (If you’re not scarred yet, you should be. This is precisely the propaganda of the nuts that are committing these mind control atrocities against survivors, like Cathy. They intend to take down our government and reinstate their own “dark ages.” I’m not saying these nuts will succeed, but it’s useful to be aware of their plans. The rest of the book is Cathy’s stories, and I do mean stories, regarding presidents, politicians, and Nashville celebrities. She tells about being raped and going on drug runs. These world elite all have cocaine addictions and the same personality, the one Mark Phillips gave Cathy to give them. They all speak in poor white trash sexual puns. p.78-79 As a result (of Marks “deprogramming”), I have recovered the memories related in this text… (Note: These memories did not come to her because they are her memories. They were given to her, by Mark.) Cathy does NOT describe the methods and experiences that RA/MC survivors describe. I’m sure she was abused and subjected to mind control at the hands of Mark Phillips, but she is not a multigenerational RA/MC survivor. For a clear and accurate depiction of that you might try reading Hell Minus One by Anne Johnson-Davies. BTW: I received a comment on my review of Trance Formations on Goodreads, from the parents of a young girl who is now being mind-controlled by Mark Phillips. They asked me for help. I don’t know what I can do for him, but tell the truth about what I see. It has taken me some time to respond to the “Search Key Phrases” from my statistic pages from a while back. I received a comment, which I deleted, inviting guests to my blog to join the Illuminati, complete with a link. The link was for a twitter page, @TheIlluminati, in case you are interested. It is “The Illuminati Official Account. Follow the Light,” or so they say. They offer, “Want to join the Illuminati? Click the Link Below!” Now the “Search Key Phrases” in my statistics pages reads, “I want to join the illuminati but I have 1 problem im still young… what am ma supos to do?” I suspect little boys like Jason might be interested in such a link. Youth are so easily caught up in fads that distance them from the establishment. Who am I to neglect to acknowledge how easily young pawns can be snatched up. Who knows how far a young man, like Jason for instance, might go to feel they are moving up in a secret organization. Of course this is a joke, or not. It certainly points out the degree to which the Illuminati is becoming a household word. What does it mean?
Another search keyphrase I have not mentioned yet is, “Nazis secretly infiltrated the republican party at the end of ww2.” Well, duh. Yesterday a man on a bike showed up in my world to inform me that he doesn’t work. He is on disability, he informed me. He wouldn’t say what his disability was. He thanked tax payers for working so that he doesn’t have to. He showed off the fancy biking gloves he took from the store where I was headed. He was clean and wore cloths you wouldn’t find at your local thrift store. He was clearly strong and healthy, at least physically.
From my personal experience, I can assure you it is not easy to qualify for government financial help. Through the experiences of loved ones I know that qualifications are stringent for disability and there are many who should qualify who don’t. This man who came into my world to spread the propaganda that there are sociopaths living off the hardworking taxpayers struggling to make enough to feed themselves is a propagandist. Psychopathology is not a qualifying “disability” unless we are counting the free rent of prisons. What sort of interest might this man have in convincing me, and you, that he is a freeloader? What interest would a group have in convincing tax payers that they should really hate “freeloaders” who need government assistance? There are issues with the capitalist system. The most glaring issue is that the wealthiest 1% are not carrying their fair share of the load. Making those who need help appear to be a burden on the working class serves to turn the masses against those in need, and away from the true sociopathic bums, the wealthiest 1%. Those who have likely paid into the system most of their lives already, some of them in the form of sacrifices made for us in the defense of our nation, deserve our help. We all deserve to know that if we find ourselves in need, the help will be there. Taxes are needed to provide the funding for programs we all need and benefit from. The government should be held accountable for how our taxes are spent however. The Nazi government assumed that the power of their position included deciding who will be helped, and only those loyal to their dictator would be helped. Hitler informed the public that those who did not vote for him would “be the bloody enemy …no more to be helped.” This is too much power. We do not live in a dictatorship. Let’s keep it that way, and hold our government accountable for how our taxes are spent, but those on welfare are not the enemy. Our taxes are not being wasted on psychopaths who feel entitled to live high on the hog on the backs of taxpayers. Propaganda insinuating that immigrants just want to live off the taxpayers and do not love America is another attack coming from the group of Nazis who would love to have us all up in arms against those in need, the disabled, and immigrants running from countries where this fight against evil is being lost. There is nothing wrong with being expected to pay taxes. As a tax payer, I am glad to contribute to programs that make life better for all of us. I am glad to contribute to programs that help those who don’t have work, cannot work, are disabled, who need our help. I do not believe this man with the snazzy biking gloves qualified for disability funds. He may qualify for the free rent of a prison. I am happy to pay for this as well when it is needed. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, even criminals. I do feel however, that the top wealthiest 1% deserve to contribute to the needs of the less fortunate in our country. By the way, as long as we are holding our government accountable for the funds we provide, the Central Intelligence Agency uses confidential fiscal and administrative procedures that make them exempt from the usual limitations on the use of federal funds. The CIA is exempted from disclosing its organization, functions, officials, titles, salaries or number of personnel employed. Radio Liberty, the cover for the Nazis our intelligence agencies recruited, was funded by the CIA’s unvouchered funds. Perhaps this would be a good time to add that I believe that many, if not most CIA agents, are loyal Americans fighting for our best interests. I believe that most police officers are dedicated to the best interest of citizens. I believe that most doctors, politicians…. We cannot fight this war by assuming that there is a category of citizens who are exempt from evil, or innocents. |
AuthorMikhayla Gracey Archives
June 2018