Of interest to those who have read my book, my aunt has asked me to look into the FEMA concentration camps that are being built during the “Obama administration”. And the can opener connects with the can of worms. Apparently she doesn’t know yet that I sort of wrote the book on FEMA concentration camps. (Gracey, 2013/2014, pp306-307, 309). It’s time to introduce my family to the three faces of me. Hold your breath. We are in for a ride.
Gracey, M. (2013/2014) Saving our Children from Ritual Abuse and Nazi Mind Control, Save Me, I’m Yours, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Seuss, Dr. (1953, 1954, 1989) The Sneetches and other stories, Random House, Redbook 65pp. (July 1953) The Sneetches, March 1954, The Zax, renewed 1989. (On Googling Starbelly I found that there is a restaurant in San Francisco, CA called Starbelly. Is it a coincidence that this restaurant is in San Francisco? I think not.