I received an email from [email protected]. I was invited to present my book on the website http://bookblow.com Most malware is in the form of links within emails. This was one of those. The site has already been tagged as malware, and I was therefore saved from the consequence of trusting this site. The site included the personalized touch of addressing my book specifically by title. During my research I also found malware in promises of free downloads of books like Hell Minus One by Anne Davis-Johnson. The words "free download of Save Me, I'm Yours was in the Key Phrases of my visitors statistics page. I thought then that I should provide a warning to the effect that I do have a free download of the first chapter of my book on my homepage of this website, but if you are finding "free downloads" somewhere else, beware. I have encountered malware in the form of promises for free downloads of books on the topic of ritual abuse and mind control before. Buyer Beware.
I would like to share a few links. The first is a link which addresses the argument that Satanic Ritual Abuse does not exist: http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Ritual_Abuse
The second addresses the source of the problem which survivors consistently point to. When the evidence is largely the consistent testimony of survivors, who are not believed, it is time to look at the evidence around what they are telling us. They are telling us that those at the top of the organization are German speaking Nazis; that as survivors they experience the sort of horrific mind control experiments those in concentration camps had been subjected to during the Nazi holocaust. They experience these horrific procedures at the hands of men with names like Dr. Mengele, the holocaust monster known as the Angle of Death. Survivors experience these horrific tortures within military settings, laboratories and hospitals. If the CIA is not directly responsible for the ritual abuse and mind control survivors experience beginning with project MKULTRA, certainly the Nazi psychiatrists – war criminals- they invited here are. When a criminal organization cannot be caught in the act despite the consistent testimonies of their victims, their image and evidence of their guilt begins to form all around us when facts are brought together in one place. The following link supports the research of my book: Americanized Nazis & The Fourth Reich by James Morcan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZjRAoRExUE A participant in the discussion group presented by Lance and James Morcan supports the survivor accounts in contrast to Kenneth Lanning’s argument that “there are no bodies.” The following is a post in Underground Knowledge – A discussion group – Mind control > Brainwashed slaves, on Goodreads by authors and activists Morcan and Lance Morcan. = http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/27/foster-homes-sex-offenders_n_1037490.html = http://documents.latimes.com/report-severe-problems-los-angeles-county-department-children-and-family-services/ Message 137 by Tammi (Aug 6, 2015) – I, and I suspect many others in this group, have be..." The child protective services in Los Angeles does not report missing children to law enforcement when they are dependents of the state. The second link above was released by a whistle blower. You must click on the link named "document" if you don't automatically see the report of 82 pages. Child after child dead after being taken into "protective" services. 570 children in 18 months ONLY in Los Angeles County. This is 1 county in the US, not a state. Are children seen as profit? Of course, look at the porn world, ask our mutual friend about snuff movies involving children. Recently, Los Angeles alone reported 51% of the children in "protective" state custody was on psychotropic drugs. Can anyone say "pharma", children are the easiest target. I found a Facebook site with children in very promiscuous clothing and posing very seductively, the youngest looked to be about 9 years of age. I had connected with a man in a higher position with the California Justice Department. We communicated several times, he told me about his children; how he cared and honored my work and extended himself if I ever needed him. Naturally, I immediately informed him of what I had seen on Facebook, gave him the link and he told me he would take care of it. Within 5 minutes I literally watched the FB site become a "secret group" I have never seen pics, postings, names, comments literally disintegrate before my eyes. I equate it to watching a gambler at a slot machine suddenly hit the "jackpot" and the coins just keep falling. Forgive my rambling, yes, politicians buy children for sexual pleasures, sometimes the children live to tell about it, sometimes they disappear. I would finally address your question, yes, there is mind control happening to children in 2015, and it is growing. Yes, I have spoken with many who have been victims, yes, our judicial system hides this and yes they know about it. Yes, to your worst visions of torture, rape and yes to ritual abuse. With the heaviest of hearts I must say yes to all, not in theory, in factual truth. This post needs to begin with a trigger warning. This post carries with it a knowledge regarding the system of survivors which survivors themselves find the strength to deal with last if they find the strength to face it at all. If you are a survivor, I would consider carefully whether you are ready to know what is written here. Have an advocate at your side.
Once the public is aware of those among us who live in trauma based multiplicity, the question of a solution will become the topic of discussions. What we all need to understand is that survivors of the Nazi cult that infected my family are programmed to do and be against humanity. The immediate response is to save survivors from the hell they have been living. The complication becomes, how do we save them from themselves? The woman during the first training I received was asked, “Who would do that?!” Who would commit these atrocities against children?! Her response was, “We did. It was conditioned.” These survivors were raised in the cult. They participated in horrific rituals as children, because they had no choice. They participated in horrific rituals as adults, because it was all that they knew, and as far as they knew, their survival depended on participation. The cult, also happened to be their family. Well, that was what one of the women said anyway. The other was obviously extremely traumatized by this revelation and had to leave the room. The discussion turned to how painful it is to know this. Those parts, or alters, subjected to the most horrific experiences are deeper in the system and the memories of these alters come later. Memories of participation come much later. What we need to understand in our efforts to help those who have been raised in hell, is that in order to free them, they need to face the demons they themselves carry with them. Survivors are not just victims of extreme trauma. They are perpetrators of extreme trauma. They will need to know this about themselves, and then forgive themselves. Could you? How to create a killer: They start with an innocent child and torture the child until the child complies. Svali tells us about children being electrocuted until they obey and wring the neck of a puppy. Some survivors speak of having robot alters. By the time a child is ready to do as they are told and commit the atrocities they are instructed to commit there is sometimes not much left of the resulting personality in the way of emotion. They are like robots. They may have refused and been tortured into unconsciousness, and now believe that parts of themselves capable of compassion and defiant against evil are dead. If they are still alive, those parts of themselves are still there as well. The beautiful compassionate warriors who fought to defy evil even in the small defenseless bodies of children, are still there. These little warriors will be grief stricken beyond comprehension to realize that the puppy was indeed strangled to death, and it was their little hands that did the strangling. The pain is huge beyond measure. The guilt and shame, the horror, is greater than the torture they endured. As a singleton, as some survivors call those who are not multiple, we may say we would never commit a human atrocity. Survivors would say the same thing. As a whole, they are not the type of person who would commit the atrocities they committed. In my book I mentioned the book/movie Sophia’s Choice. It was a common Nazi practice to pose non-choices in the guise of choices to their victims. A choice to kill this child, or that one, is not a choice. Survivors had no choice. They will need a great compassion for themselves in order to forgive themselves. They will need a support system of others capable of compassion as well. Can we forgive them? Those parts who some survivors call their “Dark Ones” did for them what needed to be done to survive. The dark ones provide a strength necessary in dire situations that no one should have to be exposed to. The capabilities of dark ones, can be utilized in positive ways. They are capable of doing the difficult. They can be given difficult tasks that will bring them, their soul mates, and the rest of us, into a better, kinder, safer world. Dark ones have been lied to. Once they understand this, they will change their loyalties. Dark ones may not know that they can be hurt, that they were hurt. They may be shocked to meet those parts of themselves who are deeply wounded, by those they have been loyal to. The survivor who presented at my first training told of a time she woke to find herself half way home, or her parent’s house rather. One of her alters missed her mother. So she had called her mother, who accessed a cult loyal alter and persuaded her to return home. The survivor had to frantically renegotiate her safety. She had to go into hiding all over again. Survivors may not be able to just leave, before they have brought all of their parts together in the commitment to stay gone. I have spoken with survivors who have not yet managed to get all of their parts on board for the move toward safety. I have heard survivors wish that someone would tie them down, lock them in a room. They want so badly to flee to safety but somehow there is some part of them that keeps getting up and taking them into the danger zone, yet again. They would sign a waiver to have themselves confined, at least some part of them. I envision a safety zone for survivors where the full dynamic of their history is understood. Yes, survivors need to be held accountable for what they have done. They can do this within the context of a healing place where change is the objective, where integration is the objective. They need a sort of witness protection arrangement where they are safe from those who created their nightmare, and safely at a distance from the possibility that they might respond to their destructive training before they have confronted this aspect of their conditioning. In Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs, Lisa, a survivor, is told by a detective inspector that there is no bargaining in this country, and no law on duress. She could face a twelve year sentence (Epstein, Schwartz, Wingfield-Schwartz, 2011). We need to look at this carefully given that the greatest tool we have for uprooting this nightmare is the information provided by survivors. If we punish them for facing demons we would have to consider careful whether we ourselves would have the courage to face, how will we ever uproot this evil? That is not to say that those who pose a threat should not be contained. Survivors are our greatest resource in the war to end the evil they have touched so intimately. The nightmare they know well, is our nightmare too. We can join them in their craving to bring an end to evil, but we need to understand it, and show compassion. The world needs laws and resources to provide a compassionate solution. Epstein, O. B., Schwartz J. & Wingfield-Schwartz, R. (Eds.) (2011). Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs, London: Karnac Books Ltd., The Bowlby Centre. Phillips, M. & O’Brien, C. (1995). TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips, Guntersville, AL: Reality Marketing, Incorporated.
p.1 Mark Phillips – As the employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research, I was required to sign an oath of secrecy…. among other “sensitive” exposures, a U.S. DOD subcontractor in mind-control research. p.9 I would soon be working for the Ampex Corporation and with the U.S. Department of Defense in a civilian capacity. The defense work closely associated me with top research scientists working in the area of primate and human behavior modification…. The sites included teaching hospitals, state mental institutions, military bases, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) facilities, and the Yerkes Primate Center. The secrets I had learned so well concerning powers of persuasion, both conscious and subliminal, had long since become a functioning part of my mind’s arsenal of defensive and offensive tools of control. p.14 (He is told about program codes using telephone ring and Biblical passages. He worked with and got his information from CIA operatives.) p.15 …I had remembered the Nazi mind-control research performed under Himmler’s command on the families of north European multi-generational Satanists. Christianity, particularly Catholicism, was Himmler’s pick of the religions’ litter for targeting “Chosen Ones” for his hideous mind-control experiments. These Chosen Ones were to be the robotic leaders of Hitler’s New World Order. (Now this I believe. Given my research.) p.19 During this five-month period, with Kelly in school and no telephone to distract us, I began intensifying my deprogramming efforts with Cathy. Most days, our work started the moment we returned home from taking Kelly to school. As soon as Kelly was in bed at night, after dinner and homework, we resumed our “sessions”. We worked like this day and night, seven days a week, focused intensely on the deprogramming process, until I would pass out from exhaustion around three o’clock in the morning. In spite of reporting to the FBI that I was a hypnotist, I knew that if the FBI and CIA could prove through my admissions I was using hypnosis on Cathy, her testimony in court would be worthless. Therefore, the threat of reprisal from the CIA was averted. In fact, through my own intensive research of hypnotherapy I learned how to control Cathy’s trance states. I regarded it as unhypnotizing her. Cathy understood and agreed that, in order for her to have absolute control of her mind, she must place total trust in me and the therapy regime. 1.) I maintained a constant vigil to ensure Cathy’s physical and psychological safety from all outside influences. 2.) ...(4) We devoted many hours to “intellectual discussions” of Cathy’s learned religious beliefs and they were “logically” debunked, just as if I were explaining how the illusions of a magician’s tricks worked to confuse reality. 3.) (5) No expression of emotion by Cathy would be permitted during the memory recovery and journaling process. I never asked her “how does that make you feel?” (This IS mind control! Hello! Keep subject isolated from all outside influence. Keep them exhausted. Never allow them time to process, only accept. Use hypnosis. They were isolated in Alaska.) p.20 Cathy was not allowed to read books, newspapers, or magazines, to watch TV, or to discuss with Kelly anything she recalled. I often wondered if I had fallen in love with Cathy as a result of my developing the psychological malady known as the Stockholm syndrome. (FYI, Stockholm syndrome it the phenomenon of a prisoner falling into total admiration for their captor. It would be Cathy falling under the spell of Stockholm syndrome, not Mark, who controlled everything.) p.21 (Mark got his books to use on Cathy from Anchorage Public Library under the direction of a secret operative.) - “Have you read any good books by Dr. Milton Erickson lately?” I replied, “No, but I am checking out one by (psychiatrist) Dr. William S. Kroger entitled Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.” “Oh, yes,” she said. “I’m a real fan of Dr. Kroger and he is a real fan of Dr. Erickson who you know is considered the father of subliminal mind-control (theory) research. (FYI: Dr. Milton Erickson / Dr. William S. Kroger / Dr. Erickson are NOT good people. They all have histories of being unethical. Using electro “therapy” and while under hypnosis asking female clients to disrobe, etc….) p.22 Mark sought out: Boston “deprogrammer,” an ex-Moonie programmer by the name of Steve Hassen. (FYI, I have read the work of Steve Hassen. Mark did not like Mr. Hassen, because Mr. Hassen recognized that Cathy was being programmed by Mark Phillips and tried to free her. In fact the work of Mr. Hassen outlines the methods of mind control. His outline on mind control would make it clear to any reader that the information I have provided already regarding Mr. Phillips methods of “deprogramming” Cathy, clearly depict the opposite. These are the methods of mind-control, NOT “deprogramming”.) Mark calls himself a “patriot;” As does every other mind control expert - Illuminati-NOW panic spreading nut, with “information” regarding the Illuminati as celebrities and world leaders. p.16 “In retrospect this was the birthing process of evolving from man to patriot p.31 Through armed revolution, we patriots will perish and the emergence of a totally government controlled society will herald in another period of “dark ages”. As a proud gun owner, armed with insider knowledge, I know we are technologically out-gunned. Whereas if we choose to evolve through the challenges to our psyche that developed communication technologies present we can reinstate our Constitution and set our people free. Revolution or Evolution –change in life as we know it is inevitable. Each of us must now take a stand to commit a portion of our individual time and diminishing resources to support the action groups and individuals who are not afraid to work at taking back our government through mass exposure of its crimes. We must seek new leaders who will be committed to doing the most with the least. These leaders share the battle cry that SILENCE DOES (indeed) EQUAL DEATH. (If you’re not scarred yet, you should be. This is precisely the propaganda of the nuts that are committing these mind control atrocities against survivors, like Cathy. They intend to take down our government and reinstate their own “dark ages.” I’m not saying these nuts will succeed, but it’s useful to be aware of their plans. The rest of the book is Cathy’s stories, and I do mean stories, regarding presidents, politicians, and Nashville celebrities. She tells about being raped and going on drug runs. These world elite all have cocaine addictions and the same personality, the one Mark Phillips gave Cathy to give them. They all speak in poor white trash sexual puns. p.78-79 As a result (of Marks “deprogramming”), I have recovered the memories related in this text… (Note: These memories did not come to her because they are her memories. They were given to her, by Mark.) Cathy does NOT describe the methods and experiences that RA/MC survivors describe. I’m sure she was abused and subjected to mind control at the hands of Mark Phillips, but she is not a multigenerational RA/MC survivor. For a clear and accurate depiction of that you might try reading Hell Minus One by Anne Johnson-Davies. BTW: I received a comment on my review of Trance Formations on Goodreads, from the parents of a young girl who is now being mind-controlled by Mark Phillips. They asked me for help. I don’t know what I can do for him, but tell the truth about what I see. The legitimate question as to whether the Illuminati continues to exist today deserves to be addressed. The clear documentation regarding the existence of the Illuminati historically begins with the letters written by Adam Weishaupt himself. Then in 1813 police commissioner Francis Charles de Berchheim reported that there were members of the Illuminati in Heidelberg wearing rings with an inscription that read “Be German as you ought to be.” Berchheim reported in 1814 that there were members of the Illuminati still hiding in the masonic lodges of the Scottish Rite.
In 1880 Leopold Engel reorganized Weishaupt’s Order. In 1884 Reverend A.F.A Woodford came across a cipher in a book store and with the aid of Macgregor Mathers decoded the cipher. They created rituals and founded the Order of the Golden Dawn. When the Order split the original order became Stella Matutina headed by Dr. Robert Felkin. Dr. Felkin traveled to Germany to discover who the “Hidden and Secret Chiefs” of the order were. His search ended with meeting Rudolf Steiner, an occultist who had been a member of the Theosophical Society founded by Madam Blavatsky and possibly the revived Illuminati of Leopold Engel. Steiner incorporated Gnosticism, Luciferianism, Johannism, Grand Orient Masonry and Rosicrucianism. The Masons formally denounced all association with Steiner, those associated with the Theosophical Society and any pseudo-Masonic rites. As you may know, Aleister Crowley started his occult career in the Golden Dawn with Macgregor Mathers. Aleister Crowley stated in his newsletter that the organization he headed, the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), held the secrets of the Illuminati. It was Madam Blavatsky who brought the symbol of the swastika from Tibet, to be later completely perverted by the Nazis. These quasi-Masonic occult orders that started with the infiltration of the Masons with the Illuminati are directly responsible for the rise of Nazi Germany: In 1909, Adolf Hitler sought out the literature of The New Templars, founded by Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. In 1932, Liebenfels announced to his group that Hitler was one of their pupils and, “You will one day experience that he, and through him we, will one day be victorious, and develop a movement that will make the world tremble.”48 (–Save Me, I’m Yours: Saving Our Children from Ritual Abuse and Nazi Mind Control by Mikhayla Gracey p.70) ….the Thule Society… Karl Maria Wiligut and Heinrich Himmler at the castle at Wewelsburg headquarters of what would become the occult Black Order of the Nazi SS. Then of course we have the idiots in our American Intelligence agencies who recruited these Black Occultists after WWII (see project Paperclip). Now we have survivors of concentration camp inspired torture and mind control atrocities who are telling us that they are victims of the Illuminati with German Speaking Nazis at the head. They say they are victims of a subproject of the Mind Control experiments started with the CIA’s infamous MKULTRA project; the declassified documents of which clearly outline the objective of exactly what these survivors describe. In 1943 George H. Estabrooks published Hypnotism. This book openly states Estabrooks’ success in creating mind controlled military assets to be used as spies and assassins. He acknowledges the splitting of their mind and justifies the torture as being the necessary grim business of war. Why, in God’s name, is there any reason to not believe the multitude of consistent survivor accounts? A Delay in Our Understanding of the Law of Gravity
One summer day in 1555, as Chicken Little napped beneath a tree, an acorn fell on his head. Chicken Little woke in a start and franticly ran to Henny Penny with the news that “The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling!” Now Henny Penny was a smart little hen and knew how to write a book with references and all. So Henny Penny wrote all about the amazing tale of Chicken Little, as told to her by Chicken Little himself. Academics are best when taken from the original source, she knew this. What a smart little hen. Now Foxy Loxy read the Penny News and referenced his academic paper with this important information. Foxy Loxy was, well, a fox, and knew of course how to structure his citations in perfect MLA format. Proper citations were given to Henny Penny and the Penny News. Isn’t it good to know we have smart folks writing books? Otherwise we would never have heard this bit of very important news. We should all prepare for the falling of the sky! Henny Penny is the editor of Penny News Foxy Loxy received his B.S. from the Collage of Ridiculous Notions Chicken Little is, well, he’s the original source, isn’t he! Have you heard the latest news? President Obama, The British Royals, Michael Jackson and other famous folks are reptilian humanoids plotting world domination. They are calling it The New World Order. I know it must be true because the books are referenced in perfect MLA format. We should really prepare to fight back. We should go to war with them; kill these snobbish elite folks and all their children too! We can’t afford to leave any living reptilian bloodlines after all. We should put these really smart book knowin’ folks in these positions of leadership instead. We should all prepare for Falling Skies! President Obama recognized that 1% of the population own 42% of the Nation’s Wealth (My source is his State of the Union Address.) The Illuminati plotted to overthrow governments and fill these positions of leadership with their own. They infiltrated the Freemasons in 1776. (My source is the work of Nesta Webster who referenced documents of the Illuminati containing the words of Adam Weishupt himself.) The Vatican were once protected by both the Knights Hospitallar and the Templar Knights. When the Pope had the Grandmaster of the Templars slow roasted for hearsay (and divided their wealth with the Knights Hospitallar) the Knights Hospitallar became the security of the Vatican. Over time the Knights Hospitallar became the Knights of Malta and are today the Secret Police of the Vatican. (My source is Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by J. J. Robinson. His source is documents in the private libraries of the Freemasons. I know of no reputable source stating that the CIA is the secret police of the Vatican. Timothy Spearman is the first to have provided me with this ridiculous notion, so I can’t help but wonder if he and Foxy Loxy might share a similar class ring). Apples and acorns really do fall from trees and have been known to fall on people’s heads. I have experienced this amazing phenomenon myself. I have found that Newton’s theories regarding the laws of gravity suit me very well. I have a hard time following Chicken Little’s, “The sky is falling!” theories. (This is my Review of Drawn Swords by Jeanne Adams. This is the first time that it dawned on me that I preach about how easy it is for weeds to sign up for every group but I had ignored the obvious advantage they would have in infiltrating survivor groups and pawning themselves off as survivors.)
I have never been so angry about a book. This book makes a mockery of ritual abuse survivors. It’s an atrocity. It concerns me that the ritual abuse advocate Ellen Lacter speaks so highly of this book. Jeanne’s first experience is believable enough, and may even be true, but it is not Ritual Abuse. Then again, if her father did what she said he did then why, “My craving for my father’s affection was no longer used to manipulate me.” -p.102 She quotes highly respected sources regarding common ritual abuse experiences then presents “memories” that do not in any way support what is meant by what was said. She presents that survivors speak about the Masons being involved then she shares a memory that amounts to nothing more than a haunted house for kids set up in a Masonic Temple. In the first room they make her feel something she doesn’t want to. In the second room, “I have to stand in front of a curtain. Big black arms grab at me though curtains. It’s suppose’ ta be a spider grabbing its prey… ” -p.62 In the last room they hang her upside down, perhaps because she read somewhere that ritual abuse survivors have been hung upside down. Some of my review may be triggering to survivors simply because she does present what survivors go through as researched by others….so TW…….. Ms. Adams offers a history regarding the word Aryan. “The term ‘Aryan’ originally applied to a tribe of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people that existed in Europe in ancient times. It was used by Adolph Hitler to denote his proposed master race of blonde-haired Caucasians who were destined to rule the world.”- p.137 She pretends she knows something then about what “breeder” means to ritual abuse survivors. She present a section about breeders from the book Safe Passages to Healing, then she tells about a “traumatic” memory in which her parents talk about sending her to Toronto so her mother makes her appear sick so that they won’t take her. She says, “The men came, but they wouldn’t take me. They need healthy ones for breeding.” Seriously? I don’t believe they give a crap about “healthy ones.”-p.139 If she knew anything about what is meant by “breeders” within the context of ritual abuse she would know that they are going to kill the fetus anyway and don’t give a rats bum who is heathy. It is very true that evidence suggests that Nazi war criminals recruited by our “intelligence” agencies are responsible for ritual abuse, but the fact is the term “Aryan” was borrowed from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and actually is in reference to one who has achieved the highest degree of enlightenment. The term was perverted by Guido von List who was influential to the rise of Nazi Germany. The term “breeders” within the context of ritual abuse is not in reference to seeking out blonde blue eyed children to produce the master race. She is so proud that she becomes defiant and it works! She calls her abusers “STUPIDS” and they decide their attempts at mind control are just not working and so they give up. “It didn’t take long before my defiance became vocal. It was a dangerous practice to display my disobedience at the cult meetings, but I was quickly growing out of control. In one cult lesson, I not only refused to participate, but I argued with the instructor. Although punished for my actions, I remained defiant to the end. It felt wonderful!” -p.142 It should be understood that those who are committing crimes of ritual abuse and mind control are torturing children with the intent of splitting their minds. They use techniques devised in torture and interrogation of full grown men. Imagine a man being captured into an enemy war zone and tortured for the purpose of mind control. He shouts, “STUPIDS” at his captures, so they decide their torture is just not working and let him go. Ms. Adams version of blocking the younger alter that has endured all this “abuse” happens during abuse; as if the core is protecting the alter. This defies the very logic of Dissociative Identity Disorder. She says, “I had found a creative way to keep my parents from hurting me and it worked. It was a relief not to feel. The abuse ended and I had survived. After a while, I thought I was as normal as everybody else.” p.161 There ya have it. Becoming a multiple keeps the perpetrators from abusing you, seriously? I have more, but this should be enough to indicate why I feel the way I do. It has been excruciatingly difficult for me to remain professional while writing this review, given that my family are currently trapped in the nightmare of real ritual abuse. Trash like this makes it hard to persuade the public of the truth. There is a very active effort to “debunk” the truth. This book helps the perpetrators immensely. It makes me wonder why this trash was written in the first place. Malingering is “the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by external incentives such as avoiding military duty, avoiding work, obtaining financial compensation, evading criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs.”(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) I’m going to suggest evading criminal prosecution, or perhaps financial compensation. There are sociopaths who are being paid to “debunk” and harass survivors and their advocates. |
AuthorMikhayla Gracey Archives
June 2018