A response to: (The Vow)
Like anyone else, I too have anger in me. However, I try to recall that anger is a destructive emotion. I remind myself that scientists now say that anger is bad for our health; it eats into our immune system. So, anger destroys our peace of mind and our physical health. We shouldn't welcome it or think of it as natural or as a friend. - Dalai Lama
A response to: (The Vow)
I have mentioned the work of Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien, and Brice Taylor. They have the same story. They tell farfetched tells about being the sex slave of the elite. Their following use their stories to justify an attitude of distrust of the government and promote the notion that the government needs a complete overhaul. They insinuate that they are victims of ritual abuse and the mind control techniques researched under the CIA’s MK-Ultra project. They incorporate words like the Illuminati. They sound very much like my following fan who threatened the president with the same cult slang I had been threatened with. When one is regarded as, “ripe for the picking.” It is this cult’s version of one who deserves to be “shanked.” Let’s imagine for a while what an underground secret society of Nazi war criminal types might do if they wanted to overthrow the American democracy. Would they, perhaps, try to convince the people that everyone in our government is a member of an evil satanic cult and everyone in government is out to dictate their agenda against the people? While this may be the agenda of a secret society of Nazi war criminals, it is less likely that every government official we the people elected are evil reptilian humanoids out to eat us all for dessert. Once they successfully convince us that what we need to do is overthrow our own democracy, what do you suppose they plan to replace our democracy with? Do you suspect, perhaps they would be all too happy to step in and save us all from the resulting anarchy? You may argue that the work of Mark Phillips, Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor are harmless because they are so ridiculously unbelievable. I’m not certain their following care whether they are perceived as nuts for believing this nuttiness. The agenda to overthrow a democracy works regardless. They simply claim their reason is that they are distrustful of our government. This new genera also serves to bury the fact that incidents of brutal ritual abuse and mind control are in fact taking place. I’m not even certain that those spewing these ridiculous lies are not survivors of brutal ritual abuse and mind control. The order of the Illuminati depicted in the last few chapters of Brice Taylor’s book is quite accurate in depicting an underground cult that would function exactly as the clearly authentic survivors expose. Regardless of whether or not the Masons are guilty or not, the structure of their order works well for an underground cult that borrowed the structure of their organization. This new genera serves many purposes. One purpose is to hide the fact that a dangerous underground, politically motivated Luciferian cult, which is fond of words like the Illuminati and the mangling of Masonic rites, does exist. The inspiration for writing today, is the discovery of another character fond of the same genera as the Mark Phillips type, and like Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien, she seeks financial support for her ridiculous claims to martyrdom. Allow me to present, Laurel Aston, Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking and Slavery. We would all like to fight human trafficking and slavery. It would seem cold hearted not to support her, and learn all we can about the secret evils performed by the CIA, right? I post here some of Laurel Aston’s Facebook posts that typifies so clearly those involved with this genera’s agenda. It is very clear how she manipulates the connection between the CIA’s involvement in activities they had no right to be involved in, and the very real cult involved in the torture and manipulation of children’s minds. She quickly makes the connection to Masons, Nazis and pedophile rings. These connections truly do exist, as does the CIA’s involvement in inviting this element. Laurel Aston’s Blog (link) Laurel typifies this genera in the hate propaganda towards the Islamic people as well. I certainly do not approve of the activities of ISIS, but the fact is, not all Islamic people are fond of ISIS. There are none who suffer more from the extremist agenda of Islamic militant groups, than Islamic people not so fond of Islamic militant tactics. What should be clear, is that Laurel is attempting to manipulate emotions that come up of rage over the mistreatment of women and girls with an exaggeration that is an out and out lie. It would seem the agenda, regardless of the topic, is to create hatreds and war. Diplomacy in the Middle East is nonnegotiable according to this group. My Facebook follower was equally prone to lies about Muslims. I am not inclined to be a cheer leader for the Islamic faith, but it is clear to me when the propaganda being spread about them is nothing but evil cutting lies. Half-truths are the most dangerous. What is the agenda of these propagandists? They are not anymore supportive of the American government. Laurel spews the same sort of evil propaganda against President Obama as my seditious Facebook Follower who threatened him. The subtitle reads, “Obama please kill yourself.” This blather about President Obama being disrespectful of the flag was a part of the propaganda that filled the computer screens of my mother and brother about the time they were enlisted into hell. This crap has been identified as an urban legend created with poorly doctored computer graphics. President Obama from a different picture is superimposed. Again, the question seriously needs to be asked, why? Could it be, perhaps, that it is because they themselves are Nazis? I had to share her selfie. It is obvious that she is not even trying to be a good liar. She doesn’t care that her premise, that she is an ex-CIA operative, is believable or not. She doesn’t care whether those with brains bother to take a second look. Her following, true believers, could just as easily take up the genera themselves. They get it. Do you? I was less then fond of the CIA when I learned about their activities with MK-Ultra and project Paperclip. I was not too fond of the CIA when I watched as the media exposed their participation in torture recently. I was not too fond of the CIA when I learned about their claims to involvement with the group The Finders. I am not convinced that there are not members of the CIA who are very much involved in the cult that most certainly is responsible for the torture and mind control of children that has infected family units. I am not convinced however, that the entire CIA is the domestic terrorist cult responsible. I am not convinced that every CIA agent was involved or even knowledgeable about the torture that took place in connection with supposed Islamic terrorists recently. I do hold President Bush responsible however. He was the commander and chief at the time. President Carter held the CIA responsible for informing the president, and executive branch of government, of all of their activities when MK-Ultra was uncovered. This means that president Bush knew and approved of the use of torture that was taking place. Will the people hold him accountable, as well as those CIA agents involved? I haven’t heard about any outcry from anyone since this exposure. It would seem that we simply don’t care if a Muslim is tortured.
As I have posted before, there are ethical heroes in the CIA, the FBI, and our Police departments. There are ethical and concerned journalists. Perhaps they can’t do it all for us. If we want to hold President Bush responsible for the torture of Middle Eastern prisoners, who had no clear connection to terrorists, responsible, we the people, need to take it from there. If we want to take those involved with unethical activities tied to MK-Ultra or project Paperclip responsible, we the people need to follow through. We can’t blame the CIA, the FBI, the police departments, or the journalists for not uncovering or reporting. We are speaking here about declassified documents and events fully reported by our media. Dismantling the CIA, and President Obama is the agenda of those responsible for posing a Nazi threat to America. Joining them is not the answer. Weeding them is. I found myself involved in a debate over whether Cecile the Lion, who was lured from a sanctuary to become a decoration on a trophy hunters mantel piece, was worthy of debate. How the jump was made I don’t know, but a participant accused me of not being aware of the lack of truth in the media, and suggested I do some research. He didn’t know me at all. I introduced myself, and told him a bit about my book. He was one of those convinced that our government is completely corrupt and our media is manipulated and owned. He reminded me of those participating in the dangerous genera I have encountered in my quest for who is responsible for the gross atrocities my family has been trapped in. He, like others, spew hopeless mistrust of a democracy they are sure needs to be dismantled. The following was a few of my contributions to the argument: There are Americans in every professional position imaginable. Some work for the betterment of life. Some have lost their way. Here in America those who choose to harm others will need to hide what they do, because the people are watching. The trick is to expose the roots of the weeds and pull them up. It has been with the help of those in the CIA, FBI, police, and journalists that roots have been exposed. Police expose dirty police.... The world is not black and white. There are Americans with drastically different opinions. Some are concerned about lions in Africa. Some are not. Some are against abortion, even if the would be mother was raped at age 12. Some would support the child's right to her own body. It's a complicated county. The decisions of politicians and the people, are a confusion of folks fighting for their right to be heard. We have the right to free speech. It's a beautiful messy thing. BTW, we have President Carter to thank for making the CIA accountable to the executive branch once their MKULTRA project was exposed. The executive branch had not been in the loop. We also have President Carter to thank for exposing the CIA's recruitment of Nazis under Project Paperclip. Not everyone in government is out to get us. The fact that the CIA was guilty of torture came out in the media recently. I'm more concerned with the fact that the people barely gave it a node then went on with their everyday luncheon dates. |
AuthorMikhayla Gracey Archives
June 2018