These conspiracy theory forums speak of how our government is working toward disarming us. They warn us to look carefully at how it was that Hitler took power. Good people were rendered helpless as they watched those with guns and badges committing human atrocities. They stood by and watched helplessly because only those with badges held guns. My friends in Illuminati conspiracy theory forums tell about the plans of the Illuminati to disarm American citizens and they point to the Democratic movement which asks citizens to relinquish their arms. My Illuminati conspiracy friends are correct. The very reason our forefathers insisted on providing the right to bear arms to every citizen is that experience taught them that unless the citizens were armed, a corrupt government can rise to power and turn its citizens into slaves.
The history of the left is that of citizens who worked to rise up against governments that ruled in arrogance and disregard for the people. The history of a democracy is a history of revolutionaries who fought against corrupt arrogance among the elite. It makes no sense that Democrats are eating up the propaganda that guns in the hands of citizens is a threat to citizens. I support gun control. Keep guns out of the hands of those with a history of violence, terrorists foreign and domestic, and those with a Nazi leaning toward overthrowing democracy in favor of fascism.
My conspiracy theorist friends are correct in what they see. They say there are Illuminati terrorists on both sides. There are fascists among the Democrats and the Republicans. Democrats may be participants in supporting the road to fascism even with their hearts in the right place. They may believe that for the good of innocent citizens, guns should be banned. My conspiracy theorist friends are correct in what they see. Once citizens are disarmed, then those with badges will rule. We have seen that holding a badge does not make an officer immune from the inclination to shoot innocent citizens as a consequences of their personal racism or other inbred hatred.
I have ranted at Republicans in their blind inclination toward the almighty profit and neglect of those innocent citizens who live in a 3rd world America. I have ranted at Republicans and their tendency to want to legalize their bigotry. Now I rant at Democrats who put too much faith in a uniform.
Here is a more positive potential for both parties. What if rather than a world where only those with badges owned guns, and only the elite have food and shelter; what if we lived in a world where Republicans found a way to restructure Capitalism to include a humane existence for every citizen? Nazis were socialist, but then so are those in Australia, and Switzerland, and Germany today and every citizen in those countries has access to health care. It wasn’t socialism per say that empowered the Nazis, it was the assumed power of the government to deny the benefits to select citizens. I’m glad there are Republicans in the world. I hate math. I might vote for a Republican with a heart.
What if we lived in an America where Democrats found a way to disarm only those who cannot be trusted with a weapon, regardless of whether they wear a badge or not. I want to vote for Hillary Clinton, but her stance on gun control scares me. There is good and bad in both Parties. There is good and bad among those in every religious and cultural tradition. What if we found a way to hear the hurt, and remove the stick, only from those who would raise it in hatred, whether the weapon is withholding food and shelter, or a gun?