It is a mistake when those claiming to support the Democratic Party turn on responsible gun owners. Disrespect of responsible gun owners and the second amendment quickly became the prominent propaganda almost a day after these same organizations boasted that President Obama had received support from responsible gun owners. When the voice of groups on social media sound like the following, their hypocrisy needs to be exposed. This is unacceptable.
Dismantling the constitution is none negotiable. Respect for the constitution is expected of them as long as they hope to call themselves Americans.
The second amendment was intended to protect the people from a tyrannical government, and is not outdated. It will always be the responsibility of citizens to overthrow a corrupt government. Imagine a Neo-Nazi in the office of Commander and Chief, then tell me an armed citizenry is no longer necessary.
The vast majority of gun owners are responsible gun owners. Owning a gun does not make you a violent criminal. Background checks are a common sense method to prevent violent criminals and others incapable of responsible behavior from accessing guns, but banning guns from every citizen demonstrates irresponsible politics.
Blatant disrespect for responsible gun owners or the second amendment demonstrates a complete lack of respect for America and their fellow Americans who would fight and die for them if owning a gun meant rising to the obligation of defending citizens from a tyrannical would be dictator.
Should we vote for a Republican who holds beliefs aligned with Nazi ideology, or a Democrat who does not recognize that a ban on military grade weapons is unconstitutional?
President Obama recognized that a ban on military grade weapons needed to be dropped from his proposal for gun safety legislation and won the support of responsible gun owners. Join me in asking that other presidential candidates representing the Democrat Party follow his lead. Press for a candidate representing the Democrat Party who will step up to recognize that a ban on military grade weapons is unconstitutional.
Reaffirm and Preserve the Second Amendment