I have found myself posting the argument that to be Republican is to hate minorities, women, and those in financial need. I don’t really believe that all Republicans are bigoted Nazis. I have no choice however but to recognize that in a very large percentage of cases, this stereotype fits. Now, however, I would also like to acknowledge that as per my research, there are many very fine organizations, religious and otherwise, Christians, and the Masons, are examples, who have been infiltrated through no choice of their own, with dangerous Nazi types. It would seem it is a strategy of these dangerous Nazi types to taint the reputations of upstanding organizations with their own unattractive agenda. As a Christian, as a Mason, as a Republican….there is a great deal that needs to be done to distance your groups from the Nazis who have infiltrated them. Please tell me, the world, how you intend to do this.
What is of value in the perspective of the Republican Party, and how can you assure the people that the people, not just corporations, are thought highly of by Republicans. How do you plan to distance yourselves from the Nazi ideology that has infected your party? I do not envy you this task. There has been books written about how the right wing has become the Reich wing. How many Republicans are concerned about the equal rights of women, racial minorities, and returning veterans? Will these progressive republicans need to start their own branch of Republicans? Will they call themselves traditional Republicans, or progressive Republicans?
At the most basic level it is my understanding that to be conservative is to value the traditional and resist change, even for the better. I am proud of the American heritage as well, but there is a lot that can be improved. We could have better jobs for everyone, better education for everyone, better…. Change is good. While I understand the pride in looking at our history, I would encourage all to embrace change.