There is a danger in viewing any religion that is not Christian as being Un-American and calling America historically Judeo Christian. Freedom of religion is threatened with these notions. Respect for people of other religious traditions is an American tradition and one does not need to be Christian to be a proud patriotic American. Extremist Christianity is as dangerous as extremist Islam.
I was told that American citizens should be especially alert on July 4th to possible terrorist threats made by ISIS. On the 4th of July I sat on the bus next to a woman from Pakistan. She tried to communicate the best she could. She showed me a picture of her son.
She explained why she was here in America. “It’s not good there. Osama Bin Laden… many die.” She drew her finger across her throat to demonstrate the atrocities she had witnessed, and the family she had lost. “Muslims not (she drew her finger across her throat.) Not right.” She hoped to explain to me that the atrocities committed by these extremists are not, in her mind, the true beliefs of the Muslim religion. In her mind, the Muslim faith is nonviolent. Regardless of what I believe about the Muslim religion, it was clear that not all Muslims are extremists, and Muslims are suffering at the hands of Muslim extremists in this woman’s country. What is needed is for nonviolent Muslims who are suffering at the hands of would be dictators to take back their country.
It is one thing to follow the teachings and expectations of your religious convictions. It is quite another to assume the right to judge as wicked and impose your religious lifestyle expectations on others. Dictators have historically used religion to justify holy wars and human atrocities. The desire to rule over others was the first sin.
Evil does not exist in the diversity of religious traditions. Evil exists in the assumption that one religion has the right to impose their lifestyle on others. The Amish live by a strict code of beliefs, but they do not assume the right to impose their lifestyle on others. The Native American traditions simply asked that they be left to live according to their beliefs and traditions. Evil hides in the assumption that evil is not hidden within religious congregations. If the goal is to eliminate evil, we need to begin weeding our own garden before pointing at the weeds in the gardens of others.
We live in a democracy. Not a religious dictatorship. Religious convictions have been, and should be second to secular rights. This prevents a religious dictatorship. Religious convictions and lifestyles are not disallowed, but should not be allowed to be imposed on others.
There is a very dangerous cult underground that is using religion to push toward oppression and enslavement. These evil extremists use torture, both physical and sexual, and all the techniques of mind control beginning in infancy, through childhood, then uses these broken mind controlled subjects to produce new generations caught up in a trap set up by an evil secret society that uses the family unit to spread their social disease.
The organization responsible has roots in the quasi-masonic occult groups that gave rise to Nazi Germany. The Nazi SS, were an occult brotherhood. The imposition of the Nazi dictatorship attempted to impose a national religion they called Positive Christianity. They dictated using the elimination of any who defended their right to freely worship according to their own religious beliefs. Jews, and Protestants were eliminated in concentration camps. These Nazis were inspired by the tactics of the Catholic Church. The genocides the Catholic Church justified include the Euro-Pagan people, and Native American populations. To put an end to the evil that has held this planet in hell we need to eliminate the assumed right to impose religion. The American forefathers made religious freedom a constitutional right. Their wisdom needs to be maintained if we are going to maintain a free America. I love that America is so accepting of diversity.
This writing was inspired by a Facebook post by my mother. The extremism my mother has taken on, was not what I was raised with, and reflects the propaganda of the Illuminati who are covering for the quasi-masonic occult orders that have infected the family unit of the religious, especially Christians. The Mormon Church is heavily infected because of its Masonic roots.
The following is the post shared by my mother on July 6th:
“Make no mistake about it, brothers and sisters, in the months and years ahead, events are likely to require each member to decide whether or not he will follow the First Presidency. Members will find it more difficult to halt longer between two opinions. (See 1 Kgs. 18:21.) President Marion G. Romney said, many years ago, that he had ‘never hesitated to follow the counsel of the Authorities of the Church even though it crossed my social, professional or political life’ (in Conference Report, Apr. 1941, p. 123). This is a hard doctrine, but it is a particularly vital doctrine in a society which is becoming more wicked. In short, brothers and sisters, not being ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ includes not being ashamed of the prophets of Jesus Christ! We are now entering a time of incredible ironies. Let us cite but one of these ironies which is yet in its subtle stages: We will see a maximum, if indirect, effort made to establish irreligion as the state religion. It is actually a new form of paganism which uses the carefully preserved and cultivated freedoms of western civilization to shrink freedom, even as it rejects the value essence of our rich Judeo-Christian heritage.”
“Your discipleship may see the time when such religious convictions are discounted. M. J. Sobran also said, ‘A religious conviction is now a second-class conviction, expected to step deferentially to the back of the secular bus, and not to get uppity about it’ (Human Life Review, Summer 1978, pp. 58–59). This new irreligious imperialism seeks to disallow certain opinions simply because those opinions grow out of religious convictions. Resistance to abortion will be seen as primitive. Concern over the institution of the family will be viewed as untrendy and unenlightened.”
“Before the ultimate victory of the forces of righteousness, some skirmishes will be lost. Even in these, however, let us leave a record so that the choices are clear, letting others do as they will in the face of prophetic counsel. There will also be times, happily, when a minor defeat seems probable, but others will step forward, having been rallied to rightness by what we do. We will know the joy, on occasion, of having awakened a slumbering majority of the decent people of all races and creeds which was, till then, unconscious of itself. Jesus said that when the fig trees put forth their leaves, ‘summer is nigh’ (Matt. 24:32). Thus warned that summer is upon us, let us not then complain of the heat!”
Elder Neal A. Maxwell