The group responsible for setting up the illegal, million dollar, phone tapping system that was discovered when they made the mistake of tapping the phone of Helen, who Linda Blood told us about, was an illegal set up, not an FBI project.
The feeble attempts at milking me for information made by the pathetic She, was not the work of a professional spy, but the fear based training of tortured child. She would have my mother’s location if she actually had the resources of the CIA or FBI.
We have been watching a battle between the police and public trust, given episodes in which police powers have been abused. I am aware of cases in which police have investigated police suspected of being involved in unethical and illegal activities. It should be noted that it was police officers who took down these dirty cops. It is members of the FBI who continued investigations they had been ordered to drop, who uncovered the pedophile ring, involved in ritual abuse, The Finders.
My metaphor of weeding our garden keeps working for me over and over again. It would be unwise to dismantle our police, the FBI, or the CIA. The group responsible for the atrocities which have poked their ugly head high enough for me to see, and share with you, are involved in illegal activities. They use the positions of members, whatever the position may be. It is one thing to say our leaders are involved, the CIA is an organization with the agenda of this cult, or that the president is a reptilian humanoid. It is another to recognize that every organization or position of trust is vulnerable to weeds.
Recently the Patriot Act expired, leaving the FBI without the resource of being able to tap the phones of suspected terrorists, like those John Loftus had suggested they spy on. They are in the process of renewing the controversial Patriot Act. In the meantime they must request the phone records of those for which they have warrants against from the phone companies, like Verizon. The group I find to be a threat has taken the story of Edward Snowden and spread the fear that the Patriot Act is the sprout of Big Brother and ran with it. (Epiphany) What if there are weeds who work for Verizon?
A mole has been a concern within the FBI and CIA since their inception. Let’s call them weeds, even if they were the founders. What this country needs is to clear it’s complexion with the removal of moles. I suppose we can leave one on the face, fully exposed, as a sort of beauty mark; a symbol of our countries dedication to weeding our garden.
Loftus, J. (1982/2011). America’s Nazi Secret, Walterville, OR:TrineDay LLC.
Blood, L. (1994). The New Satanist, New York: Grand
Central Publishing,Warner Books.
Ventura, J. & Russell, D. (2011). 63 Documents The
Government Doesn’t Want You To Read, New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.