There is a cleft between the Democratic Party stance claiming that it is time to ban all military grade weapons and the Republican stance that such a ban is unconstitutional. The Republican Party has become increasingly hyper religious and openly racist. There is no middle. This cleft does not represent the American public. There are Americans who identify as democrat who own guns and support common sense gun regulation but recognize that the proposed ban on military grade weapons is unconstitutional. The ban is in direct opposition to the second amendment. There are Americans who identify as Republican who are not racist nor hold the belief that America was meant to be ruled by a white Christian ruling class. The propaganda feeds this false separation, preparing us for a civil war and the resulting dictatorship.
Those democrats who have bought into the propaganda pushing for the disarmament of Americans believe that only those who wear uniforms should own guns, and that this was the original intent of the second amendment, or they hold that the second amendment is archaic and it is time to revoke it. Why would there be a need to assure that the American army be granted the right to bear arms? That's a bit redundant. Our military shall have the right to bear arms? The second amendment was intended to provide the means of the people to fulfill their constitutional obligation of overturning a federal government if it ever threatened to oppress the people. Our independence had just been won. We fought and won our freedom from the shackles of an oppressive government. Now the federal government is asking the people to disarm. Where are our state militias? The second amendment is far from archaic.
America the government is meant to be in service to "We the people" not the other way around. The second amendment is intended to provide citizens with the means to carry out their constitutional obligation to over throw a tyrannical government. Gun owners support common sense gun safety legislation. Demanding background checks is reasonable. But a ban on military grade weapons is not common sense. It is unconstitutional. Clearly, maintaining citizen ownership of military grade weapons is exactly the intent of the second amendment. Those who point out that at the time the second amendment was written they were speaking of muskets neglect to note that muskets were state of the art at the time. The proposal that government representatives should disarm all who own weapons powerful enough to oppose them, is in direct opposition to the constitution.
Given my introduction into an underground secret society with the intent of worldwide oppression of the people, and how it works, this development frightens me. It is time this awareness became mainstream, because it is coming into fruition. If such a notion is too unbelievable, recognize their mark in history. They were the occult orders that founded the Nazi movement in Germany. They were the Nazi doctors using captives in concentration camps as subjects in sadistic mind control experiments. They were the Nazi war criminals given visas to America after WWII. They were agents of our on Intelligence and military who used unwitting American citizens and our own soldiers as subjects in their experiments. This is not conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact. (Goodrick-Clark, N., 1985/1992, Loftus, J., 1982/2011, Marks, J., 1979.)
The underground group responsible for torture based mind control feed the notion that our government is the evil Luciferian Illuminati working toward the day that they can enslave the people, and impose a New World Order. They mix this propaganda into the deeply held Christian beliefs of their targets. My family have much in common with the Weavers who lost the standoff with government officials at their cabin in Ruby Ridge. It could be said that the Weavers fell under the spell of cultish propaganda. Outside their cabin they posted a sign that read, “Stop The New World Order!.” It could also be said that their worst fears were realized. The government did indeed overpower them and gun them down on their own property. Self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps, but it is also an exposure of a serious problem with our government power differential. The incident didn’t do much to calm the fears of others subject to New World Order conspiracy theories. The government is seeking permission to disarm people who fear an oppressive government.
Regardless of whether you find those who fear our government to be pointlessly paranoid, bullies with badges taking their weapons will result in the murder of American citizens who have had their every fear rendered justified. Did I mention that their understanding of the second amendment is correct? I will not support the violation of American rights in the interest of imposing government muscle against citizens they should be in service to. Convince them that their fear is not founded. Propagandists tell them that there is not a gun grab, then tell them we just want to ban your guns. They can’t hear themselves.
My family has been caught up in New World Order propaganda that uses the Punch and Judy show to represent the state of our government. They say our government officials pretend to be on opposing sides, all the while working toward the same agenda, world domination. Punch and Judy were an ever feuding couple, puppets on each hand of the same puppeteer. Sounds ridiculous, I know. I thought so too. The propaganda my family are being fed tells them that the democrats will disarm us, while the republicans create a rift between the haves, and the have nots, promoting contention among the people. America will be torn apart into categories, distrustful of their fellow Americans. Americans are too busy hating one another to recognize and oppose an oppressor that threatens us all. My family has fallen victim to a dangerous cult, but what they have to say is seeming less and less like fiction.
The American government’s involvement in the underground organization that holds my family hostage can be traced to the migration of Nazi war criminals to America via our intelligence agency, the OSS, and then the CIA. Survivors of sadistic mind control experiments point to the CIA’s operation MKULTRA. We have President Carter to thank for imposing restraints on the CIA as a result of discovering this abomination hidden from executive oversight, and for investigation of the claims that Nazi war criminals had migrated to America. They are here, along with their agenda and influence. MKULTRA was the militaries investigation on the use of mind control. Military mind war continues.
PSYOPS is the branch of our military that makes use of what they know about mind control. Openly PSYOPS acknowledges that their objective is to persuade the masses using propaganda, rather than military force. Watch carefully the direction of the propaganda that flows through your screens. The notion that military grade weapons were not meant for citizens began as a part of a propaganda aimed at convincing the public that guns in the hands of citizens are too dangerous. The vast majority of those who own guns are responsible gun owners. Responsible gun owners support the enforcement of gun safety legislation. The demand for background checks is reasonable. The enforcement of gun safety measures is reasonable. Banning military grade weapons, is not. If American soldiers can be trusted to protect American citizens, they can be trusted to protect American citizens when they return, and keep their weapons.
There are many, in fact the vast majority, who own assault rifles view them as a sporting rifle. They enjoy shooting. Being a full master of the martial arts is forbidden in China, so the masters defect to other countries. Mastering all aspects of the martial arts is not permitted in China because it is perceived to be a threat to the ruling class. Most of those who practice the martial arts would never harm anyone unless provoked. They just like to shoot.
PSYOPS uses the beliefs already held by their target.
,,,for psychological operations to be effective, you must carefully plan your propaganda. You must make sure that you know everything about your enemy and that you are targeting his beliefs and not using your own. – Psywarrior,
This sharp extremist split in the beliefs of American citizens has been manipulated PSYOPS style. Why? It will create a civil war between the people and the federal government that will result in a full blown dictatorship. In the 1960’s Jane Romains, a retired CIA officer, said:
We know now that men can be made to do exactly anything…It’s all a question of finding the right means. If only we take enough trouble and go sufficiently slowly, we can make him kill his aged parents and eat them in a stew.39 (Taylor, 2009, p.15.)
If the government overreaches to disarm American citizens there will be civil war. The consequences of losing a Civil War is that no one wins. "Gun right fanatics" may loose, but their understanding of the second amendment is correct. The government is primed and ready to move into a full blown dictatorship. The military should be made to drop their weapons first. The federal government has become like a parent telling the people they should not be violent then enforcing their assertion with violence. The American government was meant to be The People. Martial law is not so farfetched. When there is no military with weapons perhaps the second amendment could be said to be archaic. It would be a utopia if there came a time in which the second amendment is rendered archaic. The time is not today.
Interesting how I am assumed to be an extremist from the opposite end by both sides, because there is no longer a middle. Both sides are extremists. This is the food for war the propagandist have been feeding. They have fed both sides of the argument in an ugly Punch and Judy show. A show that will entertain the evil one who created it for his own bloody entertainment. And I do mean bloody.
This county is split. There is still an arrogant separation between Christian, Jew, and Muslim, race, homophobia, and social status. The political propaganda feeds this split. Propaganda feeds those inclined to separatist thinking and fear the added fear of government and an attachment to weapons. On the other hand of the puppeteer, those inclined to see humanity as equal are fed the false notion that there is no reason to fear, and those who cling to their guns in fear need to be disarmed. They are lulled into a stupor as if they have been injected with the venom of a spider about to make its kill. The truth is always in the middle. There should not need to be a war, or fear of our own government, and yet the threat is real. Let’s eliminate the threat before we disarm. Let’s reaffirm the intent of the second amendment and strengthen our state militias and individual right to bear arms. Perhaps the government will back away from the notion that they have the right to disarm citizens, and be reminded, who is meant to run America. Or maybe we will see that Civil War.
Goodrick-Clark, N. (1985/1992). The Occult Roots of
Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.
Loftus, J. (1982/2011). America’s Nazi Secret,
Walterville, OR: TrineDay LLC.
Marks, J. (1979). The Search For The “Manchurian
Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences, New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company.
Taylor, E. (2009). Mind Programming: From Persuasion
and Brainwashing to Self-Help and Practical Metaphysics, Carlsbad, California, New York, London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Vancouver, Hong Kong, New Delhi: Hay House, Inc.