In 1787, in Bavaria, recruiting for the Illuminati was made a capital crime. The Illuminati was believed to be finally destroyed.
In 1794, the Duke of Brunswick, “Aaron” of the Illuminati, and Grand Master of German Freemasonry, asked all Masonic Lodges to be suppressed due to the way they had been penetrated.
In 1813 Francis Charles de Berckheim, special commissioner of police at Mayence, informed authorities that there were a number of initiates into Illuminism wearing a gold ring signifying their membership with the inscription “Be German as you ought to be.”
1810-1875 Eliphas Lévi, a French occult author, created the Baphomet of Mendes, and accused the Templars (from which the Masons emerged) of being Luciferian. He twisted such symbols as the Masonic Baphomet into demonic alternatives to what they truly stood for.
In 1917 President Wilson and congress declared war on Germany. The secret service extended protection of the president to his family. (Oh, and a side note, congress passed the first excess profits tax on corporations. Let’s do it again.)
1927 Heinrich Himmler took leadership of the Nazi Secret Service, or SS. Himmler was mentored by Karl Maria Wiligut, a quasi-masonic occultist, deeply influenced (as was Adolf Hitler) by Guido von List and Lanz von Leibenfels. Heinrich Himmler bought the castle at Wewelsburg which became the headquarters of the occult Black Order of the SS. The order was an occult fraternity of warrior monks.
In 1952, Allen Dulles, whose family had conducted business with the Nazis during Hitler’s rise to power, became the Director of the Central Intelligence. The CIA hired major Nazi war criminals with information on psychological warfare.
In 1972 Mike Warnke published The New Satanist. Warnke was one propagandist spreading a new and dangerous propaganda. John Todd Collin and Mike Warnke spread their Christian fanatic style Illuminati conspiracy theories, linked to Luciferian occultism. John Todd led neo-Nazi anti-government militia groups spreading the fear of the coming New World Order. Both Warnke and John Todd were themselves sexual predators involved in occultism. John Todd visited Randy Weaver and his family to preach his Illuminati fear based anti-government propaganda.
In 1975, President Gerald Ford requested the files on the CIA’s MKULTRA project. He was told the documents had been shredded in 1973. The CIA’s project MKULTRA, on psychological warfare had been withheld from the Executive Branch.
In 1977, investigative journalist John Marks succeeded in obtaining MKULTRA documents which had escaped the shredder in 1973. John Marks published The Search for the Manchurian Candidate in 1991.
In 1992 the cabin of Randy Weaver and his family was surrounded at Ruby Ridge. His son, his wife and his dog, were shot. Outside his cabin was a large sign which read “Stop the New World Order!”
In 1995 Timothy McVeigh, acting in retaliation for the incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge, bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. McVeigh became a white supremacist after reading The Turner Diaries. The Turner Diaries are propaganda from the far right, the Aryan Republic Army, the New Order, and the Christian Identity movement.
(From 1980 to now there have been numerous accounts from survivors of horrific abuse intended to create multiple personalities. They claim to be survivors of ritual abuse. Some of them describe being subjected to government mind control experiments conducted by a group calling itself the Illuminati, with those at the top being German speaking Nazis. Survivors describe sadistic acts conducted by a Dr. Mengele and a Dr. Green or Greenbaum. Dr. Mengele was the Angel of Death who conducted horrific acts in the name of mind control experiments in Nazi concentration camps. In the wake of these exposures there have been misleading anti-government right wing copy cats pointing to our government and US presidents as being the source.
In 2006 Dr. Colin A Ross published The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Dr. Colin describes the horrific mind control experiments conducted by the CIA under MKULTRA and the subprojects.
Anti-government neo-Nazis are insisting that they be allowed to keep their stock of military weapons for the sake of turning against a government that might turn totalitarian. These right wing extremists are successfully influencing people even in the face of domestic terrorist acts they themselves have been responsible for and shootings that could be prevented. Right wing extremists are still preaching fear based Illuminati conspiracy theory and promote the fear of a threat in the form of a One World Government.
I strongly support the right to bear arms, but these nuts should loose gun privileges, especially of military grade. Military grade guns in the hands of responsible citizens may well prevent a totalitarian government. Responsible citizens with military grade guns may be called on to prevent the rise of neo-Nazi nuts with military grade weapons.