Survivors and their families are consistently inundated with Illuminati, New World Order conspiracy theories. They are convinced that the Illuminati is the organization responsible for their abuse. They are convinced that the members of the illuminati are the elite and the world’s most powerful world leaders. This invisibility cloak needs to be pulled, with the reminder of the first paragraph. Those responsible are old school Nazis, who were given employment as broadcasters of their own radio station, Radio Liberty, which even today spews Illuminati conspiracy theories. Illuminati conspiracy theorists are consistently responsible for acts of domestic terrorism and tend to become aligned with notions of white supremacy and extreme nationalism. They become fearful isolationists. They become Nazis.
While the first two paragraphs are a reminder to my readers of what I have learned, they are also an introduction to a much more timely concern. I might have thought that holding strong to my liberal leaning would be enough. It is not. Survivors have warned me over and over again that there are as many Illuminati Nazis in the Democratic Party as there are in the Republican Party. I would not hear it. They point out that the Democratic Party has been working at disarming citizens. I assured them that gun safety proposals are not the same as disarming American citizens. Now I am stunned and deeply shaken to see that they are right. There is not one democratic presidential candidate who does not recognize that a ban on military grade weapons is treason against the American citizens and unconstitutional.
President Obama utilized the support of responsible gun owners to win approval for his 2016 gun safety proposal, but as soon as their usefulness was had the Democratic Party turned quickly back toward gross disrespect of both the second amendment and responsible gun owners. I think of Ken Bower’s book which I raked over the coals as being the propaganda that trapped my family, Beneath the Tide Who Really Runs the World. Ken Bowers uses the analogy of the “Punch and Judy Show,” a skit about an always fighting couple, but when it comes down to it they are each on a different hand of the same puppet master. I am shaken to see it is so. Just as my family predicted. If the Democrats disarm the citizens first, convincing them that it is in their best interest to give up all guns, when a tyrant takes the presidency there will be no one to stop him, or her. Just like it was in the early days of Hitler’s time in office, when the citizens lived in fear because those wearing badges were armed, and assassinating dissenting citizens, but citizens were not armed. Survivors are correct. It was the philosophy of Adolf Hitler that disarmament of a country was a first step in conquering them. The second amendment would need to be dismantled in the plotting of a proper Nazi, however unconstitutional it might be.
The disarming of citizens cannot be allowed. There is not a more urgent petition to sign than the one I present here. Survivors frequently tell the truth and their warnings come true as nutty as they may sound. I laughed at survivors who insisted that President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s first agenda is to disarm the citizens. I am not laughing any more. President held strong views on gun control day one of his presidency. Perhaps this is why he was given the opportunity by the Democratic Party to run as president. President Obama wisely listened to reason and heard the concerns of constituents who were responsible gun owners, and agreed that gun safety and background checks are appropriate. He dropped the ban on military assault weapons in the interest of protecting the second amendment, and showed his support of responsible gun ownership in his 2016 proposal. President Obama is proof that an intelligent leader can be persuaded to do the right thing, even in the face of powerful persuasion playing on an already personal inclination toward gun control.
President Bill Clinton drafted the ban on military grade weapons in 1994. The temporary ban expired in 2004, and is currently up to be renewed. The ban is supported by virtually every current democratic presidential candidate. It would be more dangerous to vote for a president who would disarm citizens in complete disregard for our constitution, then to vote for a tyrant. As long as citizens are armed the people might stand a chance against a tyrant.
Please sign the presented petition by Ariel Gracey to take a stand to protect America. Make a stand for democracy.
Affirm and Preserve the Second Amendment
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