I have never been so angry about a book. This book makes a mockery of ritual abuse survivors. It’s an atrocity. It concerns me that the ritual abuse advocate Ellen Lacter speaks so highly of this book. Jeanne’s first experience is believable enough, and may even be true, but it is not Ritual Abuse. Then again, if her father did what she said he did then why, “My craving for my father’s affection was no longer used to manipulate me.” -p.102 She quotes highly respected sources regarding common ritual abuse experiences then presents “memories” that do not in any way support what is meant by what was said. She presents that survivors speak about the Masons being involved then she shares a memory that amounts to nothing more than a haunted house for kids set up in a Masonic Temple. In the first room they make her feel something she doesn’t want to. In the second room, “I have to stand in front of a curtain. Big black arms grab at me though curtains. It’s suppose’ ta be a spider grabbing its prey… ” -p.62 In the last room they hang her upside down, perhaps because she read somewhere that ritual abuse survivors have been hung upside down.
Some of my review may be triggering to survivors simply because she does present what survivors go through as researched by others….so TW……..
Ms. Adams offers a history regarding the word Aryan. “The term ‘Aryan’ originally applied to a tribe of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people that existed in Europe in ancient times. It was used by Adolph Hitler to denote his proposed master race of blonde-haired Caucasians who were destined to rule the world.”- p.137 She pretends she knows something then about what “breeder” means to ritual abuse survivors.
She present a section about breeders from the book Safe Passages to Healing, then she tells about a “traumatic” memory in which her parents talk about sending her to Toronto so her mother makes her appear sick so that they won’t take her. She says, “The men came, but they wouldn’t take me. They need healthy ones for breeding.” Seriously? I don’t believe they give a crap about “healthy ones.”-p.139 If she knew anything about what is meant by “breeders” within the context of ritual abuse she would know that they are going to kill the fetus anyway and don’t give a rats bum who is heathy.
It is very true that evidence suggests that Nazi war criminals recruited by our “intelligence” agencies are responsible for ritual abuse, but the fact is the term “Aryan” was borrowed from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and actually is in reference to one who has achieved the highest degree of enlightenment. The term was perverted by Guido von List who was influential to the rise of Nazi Germany. The term “breeders” within the context of ritual abuse is not in reference to seeking out blonde blue eyed children to produce the master race.
She is so proud that she becomes defiant and it works! She calls her abusers “STUPIDS” and they decide their attempts at mind control are just not working and so they give up. “It didn’t take long before my defiance became vocal. It was a dangerous practice to display my disobedience at the cult meetings, but I was quickly growing out of control. In one cult lesson, I not only refused to participate, but I argued with the instructor. Although punished for my actions, I remained defiant to the end. It felt wonderful!” -p.142 It should be understood that those who are committing crimes of ritual abuse and mind control are torturing children with the intent of splitting their minds. They use techniques devised in torture and interrogation of full grown men. Imagine a man being captured into an enemy war zone and tortured for the purpose of mind control. He shouts, “STUPIDS” at his captures, so they decide their torture is just not working and let him go.
Ms. Adams version of blocking the younger alter that has endured all this “abuse” happens during abuse; as if the core is protecting the alter. This defies the very logic of Dissociative Identity Disorder. She says, “I had found a creative way to keep my parents from hurting me and it worked. It was a relief not to feel. The abuse ended and I had survived. After a while, I thought I was as normal as everybody else.” p.161 There ya have it. Becoming a multiple keeps the perpetrators from abusing you, seriously? I have more, but this should be enough to indicate why I feel the way I do.
It has been excruciatingly difficult for me to remain professional while writing this review, given that my family are currently trapped in the nightmare of real ritual abuse. Trash like this makes it hard to persuade the public of the truth. There is a very active effort to “debunk” the truth. This book helps the perpetrators immensely. It makes me wonder why this trash was written in the first place. Malingering is “the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by external incentives such as avoiding military duty, avoiding work, obtaining financial compensation, evading criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs.”(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) I’m going to suggest evading criminal prosecution, or perhaps financial compensation. There are sociopaths who are being paid to “debunk” and harass survivors and their advocates.