Answer True or False
1. There were eclectic, secret society occult organizations claiming to be branches of the Illuminati and the Templars and utilizing the structure of the Masons just before the rise of Nazi Germany.
True or False
2. Adolf Hitler was a disciple of an occult fraternity which styled itself after Masons and claimed a heritage linked to the Templars.
True or False
3. The Nazi SS considered themselves to be an occult fraternity of warrior monks. They referred to themselves as "The Black Order".
True or False
4. Dr. Josef Mengele conducted extremely sadistic mind control experiments in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.
True or False
5. American intelligence agencies provided visas to Nazi War criminals after WW2 in exchange for information and scientific skills.
True or False
6. Nazis brought to the US under Operation Paperclip were provided a cover job at Radio Liberty from which they dispense Illuminati conspiracy theory propaganda.
True or False
7. MK-Ultra was an operation in mind control conducted by the CIA without the knowledge of the executive branch until 1994.
True or False
8. Unwitting American citizens were used as subjects in Project MK-Ultra.
True or False
9. Mike Warnke claimed to have inside information regarding the occult organization the Illuminati. He describes rites he himself devised which included rape and initiation rites which included cutting off the fingers of devotees.
True or False
10. Mike Warnke went on to become an evangelical preacher.
True or False
11. John Todd Collins preached regarding the Illuminati and New World Order claiming government leaders were involved in the occult order.
True or False
12. John Todd Collins was charged with rape.
True or False
13. John Todd Collins claimed to have met President Kennedy on a yacht after President Kennedy was assassinated, and that the assassination was staged.
True or False
14. John Todd Collins personally influenced Randy Weaver and his family who believed his rhetoric about the Illuminati and the New World Order.
True or False
15. Randy Weaver was involved with the Aryan Nation and standoff with the FBI at his cabin at Ruby Ridge. Outside his cabin he raised a sign that read "STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDER".
True or False
16. Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips wrote a book claiming that Cathy is a victim of sadistic mind control of prominent government figures. Mark and Cathy speak of government officials’ involvement in the occult and plotting for a New World Order.
True or False
17. Cult specialist Steve Hassen recognized that Cathy O'Brien was under a mind control spell of her handler Mark Phillips.
True or False
18. Radio Liberty continues to broadcast Illuminati conspiracy theories. There were many fake news sources in 2016 declaring involvement of government officials in a plot to bring about a New World Order and/or involvement in the occult Illuminati.
True or False
19. Media sources that push Illuminati conspiracy theories consistently supported Donald Trump and demonized Hillary Clinton and President Obama during the 2016 election.
True or False
20. Media sources that distribute Illuminati-New World Order conspiracy theories consistently support citizen militias, white supremacists and the alt-right.
True or False
Essay questions:
In your own words present an argument for or against the likelihood that there is an underground occult secret society organization using Masonic structures.
In your own words present an argument for or against the possibility that said secret society would be associated with white supremacists and promotes fascism.
In your own words would said secret society support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton and President Obama and support your argument.
What have you learned from this course and how can you use what you have learned in your life today.
All answers are true.
Loftus, J. (1982/2011). America’s Nazi Secret, Walterville, OR:
TrineDay LLC.
Goodrick-Clark, N. (1985/1992). The Occult Roots of Nazism:
Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.
Walter, J. (1995). Every Knee Shall Bow: The Truth & Tragedy of
Ruby Ridge & The Randy Weaver Family, New York, N.Y.: Regan Books an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
Warnke, M. (1972). The Satan Seller, South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge
Hicks, D. E. & Lewis, Dr. D. A. (1979). The Todd Phenomenon: Ex-
Grand Druid vs. the Illuminati Fact or Phantasy?, Harrison, Ark: New Leaf Press.
Ross, C. A. (2006). The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations By
American Psychiatrists, Richardson, TX: Manitou Communications, Inc., Originally published as BLUBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists.
United State Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session (1977).
Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program on Research into Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, U.S. Government Printing Office; Hosted by Gulf War Vets, Retrieved December 1, 2011 from
Phillips, M. & O’Brien, C. (1995). Trance Formation of America, Reality Marketing, Inc.