I wrote a review of Unshackled by Kathleen Sullivan before I read the book all the way through. I believed the book was another account that provided evidence that the cult involved in Nazi satanic rituals is a fact. I believed that other accounts confirmed the truthfulness of her story because of the consistencies; Namely:
Kathleen Sullivan speaks of “Breeders”.
The rituals are within Aryan-Nazi groups.
Kathleen had, or rather was told she had, “demon alters”. In my experience my niece demonstrated that she could roll her eyes back into her head and dislocated her own elbow.
According to Kathleen an analgesic alter-state dislocated her fingers without feeling pain.
Kathleen remembers having a basket of snakes dumped on her.
The “Butcher and Baker and Candlestick Maker” was a metaphor used in her programming and Kathleen describes her alters as being presented in a “Rip Vanwinkle” way.
Kathleen had an alter system organized under Greek alphabet names Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta and Omicron.
Kathleen says she was raped by Jesus.
Kathleen says her father and associated Nazis claimed to be reincarnated Knights Templar and went to meetings of the Golden Dawn. Aleister Crowley, was a student of the Golden Dawn.
She was called a “chameleon”.
She talks about Butterfly programming. This is sometimes called “Monarch programming”. In my case my sister-in-law had me come to see what my niece had found. It was a butterfly with its wings pulled off.
These similarities in many other accounts continued in the book, but their presence began to be more of an evidence that they were placed in her mind, rather than that they were remembered.
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF)
Initially I was convinced, given my line of research and personal experience, that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is out to prove the accounts of survivors are false and this is their purpose for existence. Given that my life experience suggests the experiences are very real I stood with the survivors and demonized the work of the FMSF, without reading their perspective. After reading Unshackled thoroughly it is clear to see that this particular account is more a testimony in favor of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation’s claim that many of these ritual abuse accounts have been implanted by therapists using inappropriate forms of memory recall therapies. Kathleen Sullivan’s therapies are classic examples of the therapies warned about by the FMSF.
The therapies warned about by the FMSF include engaging in “memory recovery techniques” such as drugged interviews, literal dream interpretation, journaling and hypnosis. Kathleen describes being subjected to all of these. Her memories first emerged in the psychiatric unit Bethesda where she and others were told they had demon alters. There was no shared consciousness until her alters “emerged”.
Kathleen’s exposure to literal dream interpretation is especially concerning. At one point she dreamed that she witnessed her father’s murder then was taken to a warehouse where she was told to shoot a silhouette that she was told was her father. She then believes her father was taken to the warehouse, of her dream, and killed there then taken back to the car where he was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning. She claims to have witnessed her father attacked from the back seat with her father in the front, then while still alive he was taken to the warehouse she saw in her dream. She claims he was murdered at the warehouse then his body returned to the car. Her father’s body was found in the back seat of his car. The official record is that her father died of carbon monoxide poisoning, a suicide.
Kathleen claims that as part of the black ops training of her alters she was able to dodge bullets, Matrix style a guess. Given the implausibility of such a claim one would think she would be inclined to question such a memory. She took Judo self-defense training but was afraid to participate in fighting off an acting attacker in a padded suit. It would seem that given her claim to have black ops trained alters this would not be a fear. She dreamed that she was tasked with removing evidence of her dad’s involvement with the Aryan cult and CIA. It’s too bad she doesn’t have any of that documentation. She says she was involved with the Aryan Cult in Cobb County and has papers that verify her memories, but she doesn’t share them. She calls her recurring dreams and addiction to orgasms proof of her remembered experiences.
The FMSF suggests that corroborating evidence should be sought for memories of abuse. The most gruesome account Kathleen shares is of her father forcing her to kill her own baby. She calls her baby Rose, and the baby she claims her father replaced her baby Rose with she names Emily. She raised Emily as her own daughter but fails to have a mother daughter bond with her. It seems that one of the most powerful corroborations Kathleen could present would be a DNA test confirming that her daughter Emily is not her biological daughter. This is not given.
Kathleen tells us that her father was arrested for the sexual assault of children. Although this may be accurate she does not present any evidence in the way of documentation. I tend to believe she may have been molested by her father. This might explain why she fell into the hands of unscrupulous therapists. It may also have been suggested by Dr. X.
One of Kathleen’s 21 therapists, a “Dr. R” asked her if it were possible that her memories were fantasy. She felt betrayed, became suicidal and said she wanted to see a Dr. X who had a dissociative disorder unit at Bedford Meadows. Dr. X had “dark, commanding eyes and voice [that] put clients into an immediate trance.” She and other clients were encouraged to focus on demon alters. Dr. X encouraged clients to visualize themselves pouring the “blood of Jesus” on internal child alter-states to chase away lurking demons. Dr. X also told them to “visualize placing alter-states in cages or sound proof rooms”. (p.282) It was under Dr. X she remembered being raped by Jesus.
When Dr. X told Kathleen that she was fully integrated her friend told her that no one could fully integrate in just two months. I would add, she had no alters at all until she started therapy under Dr. X, who hypnotically introduced them.
One therapist called Kathleen’s experiences hallucinations and noted that she had been given hallucinogenic drugs by a previous doctor. She says that those claiming to be advocates to help “deprogram” are cons posing as “good guys.” She acknowledges that some survivors claim they I(those who offer deprogramming) are good guys. She doesn’t believe they are good guys because memories of them did not “seep through in dreams” (p.352)
In response to accusations that she made accusing her mother of abusing her, Kathleen’s mother tells her she has false memories.
The New World Order
Kathleen’s notion that the Illuminati is an underground secret society made up of elites plotting to enslave the world under a dictatorship they call the “New World Order” comes from what she has read. Other survivors claim the illuminati is responsible for the abuse they suffered. When Kathleen returned to Dr. X she says a new alter called Lucifer emerged. (p.288) She talks about attending a Lucian meeting that was gentle and advocated for a “one world religion that would incorporate all religions.” (p.342). She informs us that the Lucius Trust provides a publishing company called Lucifer Publishing. She tells us that the purpose of Lucius Trust is to establish a “New World Order” or one world religion. This may be, but it doesn’t come across as threatening or malicious. An acceptance of a religious cooperative it positive.
Kathleen provides information she has learned from others who have said that the CIA contracted psychiatrists from MKULTRA and the False Memory Syndrome. She mentions the work of Alex Constantine author of Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. his research includes interviews with recovering Ritual Abuse and Mind Control victims. She mentions Dr. Colin Ross’s Bluebirdand and Carol Rutz, author of A Nation Betrayed. Kathleen’s claim that she was shipped overseas in a wooden crate may have come from her reading of Carol Rutz work. Carol Rutz tells us she was shipped in wooden crates. In short, Kathleen’s experience with Illuminati, New World Order conspiracy theories is what she learned from reading the work of others.
Kathleen tells us that in 1997 she wrote a manuscript for MK, a’ cathartic fictional account’ of her life. What or who MK is was not explained. It would seem that at least some of what was written in her book, Unshackled, was a fictional account of her life, perhaps unintentionally.
So, now I’m convinced that mental health professionals are responsible for false memories of ritual abuse and the Illuminati. I just have one question. Why? It serves the purpose of discrediting survivors. I am convinced there are survivors of ritual abuse, but the trail is murky, because not all survivors are survivors of ritual abuse. Some are survivors of twisted therapies.