The objective of propaganda is to lead the masses with powerful emotion, and neutralize rational thought. Propagandists load their language with emotional slogans and expect you to leave it at that. Visit the Holocaust museum and you will see what I mean.
I have an understanding of who is responsible for the abuses committed against my family, the nation, and the world. I can start by saying their strategy has been to accuse the opposition of what they themselves are guilty. They use the strategy of perverting symbols and words because they have no symbols of their own. They worship the destroyer God and know nothing of creating. They call themselves “patriots” and declare that they alone are patriotic. The Nazis played off the need for German pride in their country. The same strategy continues to be used today, in America.
The objective of the Illuminati is the misery of humanity, globally. They create wars. They do this by creating emotional hatreds without thought or reason, and they call it “patriotism” as if those who believe in the possibility of world peace are not being patriotic. They call it religious or righteous as if those with a different name for God are evil and unworthy of life.
The politics of the Illuminati is extremism. Lyndon LaRouche could be called an Illuminati extremist, a sort of communist cult. Give everything to him and he will decide how it will be distributed. The Tea Party could be called the extreme right. Left or right they have one thing in common. They are fascists. The Nazis were fascists, seeking a dictatorship based on assumed racial superiority. They hated communists, or so they said. The excuse our intelligence agencies would give for recruiting Nazi war criminals after WWII was that they were anticommunist. How Nazis are different than communists, I have a harder time pinpointing. They also expected that government should dictate the distribution of resources.
It becomes useful to address what it means to be left, or right. America has been a two party system for centuries. This does not mean there are not more political parties, but it has been assumed that a third party would just weaken the vote of the other two and risk a worst case scenario. The risk now is that we will have only the choice of two extremes. The danger is not in whether we have a Democrat or a Republican in office, so much as the degree to which the next president might be a fascist. There can be a fascist version of either. I expose my bias in stating up front that I am a Democrat. I have been called on this by other survivors who assure me that there are as many Illuminati leaders on the left as there are on the right. I have taken an honest look, and I agree. What is left? What is right?
Having a Democrat vs. Republican dualism has served us well enough in maintaining a checks and balances sort of stability. Now it may be time to recognize where the true balance would be. On the right we have a capitalist system. In the capitalist system we have the freedom to make a profit from our own effort and ingenuity. We can come up with a fantastic new idea, patent it, and sell it for whatever the market will sustain. There is the possibility for even the poorest child raised in abject poverty to rise to great wealth, in theory. It’s the stuff the American dream is made of. The right could argue that the left are dictators. If those leftists had their way they would limit this dream as they dictate from their seats of power. They shout, “Government should not be permitted to dictate the limit of this American capitalist dream! The government assumes too much power! Corporations and businesses are suffering. Without business you have no jobs for the hard working people, those who are willing to work. They are stealing from the hard working people to give to those who don’t work. They are Communists! Down with taxes!”
On the left hand side we have the notion that everyone has the right to the minimum necessities of life: food, shelter, clothing, medical, yes, even if they are not “hard working people,” even if they are sick or disabled, and yes, frankly, even if they are drunken lazy bums. They are the democratic version of socialists. If the right accuses the left of being “bleeding heart liberals,” so be it. It’s true. They are the party that wears compassion on their sleeve. They are the party of the people; protecting the people from the greed of heartless white collar criminals. They are the shield preventing the right-wing wealthy from enslaving the people to their greed.
On the other hand, if the right wing calls the left communists, they could easily become correct if the left were permitted to move to the extreme. The communist system held that the wealth of a nation should be distributed evenly among the masses. It is equality in the extreme. It is equality without the consideration of the inequality in what is given. Some have genuinely given more than others and deserve to be recognized for their contribution and rewarded for their ingenuity and hard work. Where does ingenuity go, if all the hard work and skill provides nothing more than the average poverty of the masses? Communism does not allow for democratic decision making. What portion of the nation’s wealth would be divided up among the masses is at the sole digression of a dictating government.
The notion of communism is not the atrocity. It is the dictatorship that fuels it that is the atrocity. In communist countries the government assumes too much power. The government decides which 10% of their nation’s wealth will be divided among the people, along with every other life decision that should be left to the individuals. The Democratic Party could easily grant far too much power to government in a country that prides itself on being a democracy. In order to distribute the resources to the people, even those who are “not hard working citizens” the government “steals from the rich to give to the poor,” or in the American reality, steals from the working class to give to the poor. Democrats are cursed with the reputation of taxing the people, while priding themselves on the reputation of being Robin Hood. Robin Hood was still a thief, wasn’t he? In the worst case scenario the government stills from the working poor to give to the poorest. A king may be a good king, and ensure the comfort of the people, or a bad king and take all that his greedy heart sees while leaving the people to starve. In America the people can vote for their kings, hoping for a good one, or remind themselves that this is a democracy and participate in decisions regarding how resources are distributed.
A look at the success and failure of the affordable care act “Obamacare,” demonstrates what can happen when government tries to provide medical care to everyone, and please the private business interests as well. In the beginning the Republicans ranted about “Obamacare” being an effort to make America a socialist nation. I shook my head. Does everyone like their Medicare? Republicans were accusing Democrats of threatening Medicare at the same time, seriously?! How can you angrily spout that Democrats are becoming socialists, and at the same time claim credit for being the protectors of the socialist Medicare system? You can’t have it both ways. Do you want socialized medicine or not? Obama recognized his need to compromise and modified his plan. What it became is not socialized medicine at all. All of the private insurance companies still provide the coverage. The only change really is that everyone is required to have insurance, and for those who can’t afford coverage they get a tax credit to help them cover the cost. We have been required to have car insurance for some time now. It’s not really so different, or is it? It was a good plan, except that it didn’t go far enough to the left.
Greedy medical profiteers can still charge whatever they want knowing that people will pay far more than they have because their health, their life, depends on it. There is no monitoring of capitalist greed. Instead, the government offers to help fund it. The question of whether it is a case of stealing from the rich to give to the poor, or stealing from the poor to give to the rich becomes a question of whether taxes are fair. Are the wealthy paying their fair share, or are the masses paying the taxes, and excess medical expenses, to profiteers with no cap to their greed? I have a hard time deciding where I stand on Obamacare. They stopped offering medical where I work. Now I pay far more than I can afford for healthcare. Obama didn’t tell the company I work for that they should drop my medical coverage. It’s a free country. They chose to not provide it. As long as I lost coverage, I was wishing for socialized medicine across the board. The Republicans rant about how Obamacare is more expensive. They are correct, but I don’t suspect the Republicans will be pushing for socialized medicine any time soon. I can only imagine their screams if Obama had suggested putting a cap on the profits of medical care providers and pharmaceutical companies.
I assumed that Americans would come together and get behind the proposed raise in minimum wage. This would be a bipartisan proposal, I thought. The capitalist right wingers who argue that their party is made up of “hard working people” would surely agree that the hard working people should be able to make enough to live. The cost of living has gone up to the point of insane, but the minimum wage is still less then I made at age 12 as a babysitter. There were comments from right wing extremists calling those who supported this proposal “communists!” Clearly these right wing propagandists have no idea what it means to be a “communist!” If by “communist” they mean providing a fair wage to the working, than by all means, call me a communist!
I never had much interest in politics until my research revealed the Nazis were in town, and I began to see their work dangerously taking its toll. I assumed America would always be America, “Land of the free. Home of the brave.” Suddenly I saw Nazi America dangerously close at hand. The right wing extremists are not just right wing extremist anymore. Now they are Nazis. It is frightening to consider the possibility that there is today, a one party system, because the Republicans are not Republicans anymore. They are Nazis. It’s not just about promoting the interest of businesses anymore. Today Republicans are extremists with the agenda of dismantling the most basic rights afforded by our constitution while at the same time insisting that they are more patriotic than the Democrats. They would have declared Christianity the national religion, just as the Nazis did. They would declare English the national language and immigrants an atrocity, just as the Nazis did. They would impose their cultural views and way of life as law, just as the Nazis did.
On the other hand, in time I had to concede that the alternate danger is that Democrats are granting too much power to government and disarming citizens. They threaten our right to bear arms. It is a threat to democracy. It is possible for the government to assume too much power. The Illuminate were not just Nazis, they were fascists. They promote dictatorships that enslave the people, regardless of whether the power is in the form of financial monopolies, or in government assumption of power. George Orwell’s book 1984 was not inspired by what he saw with the rise of the Nazis, so much as what he saw in the rise of the Illuminati. They are Nazis, and Communists. It is irrelevant who wins, as long as there is a constant war between Communist dictatorships, and Nazi dictatorships, fought by the people they have enslaved. The objective of the Illuminati is the chaos and human misery of Orwell’s 1984. It is that America is a democracy that should keep it from falling to either extreme, but that could change quickly. The Nazi war criminals who immigrated here have been cooking us like a frog. The water starts warm. The frog doesn’t notice he is being cooked alive, until it is too late.
What it means to be left, or right, has come to mean something different than whether you believe we need to give free reign to the potential of the American dream, or provide for the basic need of every citizen. The Illuminati has been playing both sides.
The Republican Party has become the Christian extremist party. They argue that the founding fathers intended for America to be a Christian nation. They ignore that the founding fathers put in place the right to religious freedom, and insisted on the separation of church and state. They own the word patriot as if anyone who tolerates another religion or recognizes the value in a diverse experience or thought is un-American. They assume the right to deny immigration to people of other cultures and nations based on their assumed cultural superiority. In short, they are Nazis. The sad thing is that for those Republicans who are Republican because they are struggling business owners who believe in the American dream, and are not bigoted white supremacists, they have been placed in this category, because we have a two party system in America. The Nazis didn’t form their own party. They took over the parties that already exist.
Accusing the bleeding heart liberals of being so open minded that they have welcomed Satan to dinner is not necessarily inaccurate. Democrats argue for religious freedom, even when the religion is a dangerous threat to the freedom of others. We have Muslims who have immigrated to America seeking refuge from their war torn countries. They enjoy freedom of religion here. This is good, but to ignore that the notion of jihad is the ambition of creating a worldwide Muslim dictatorship is foolish. Let’s not welcome the ideology of a religious dictatorship. We have enough trouble here with the Christians assuming that right. We have Satanist practicing openly in America under the generous notion of freedom of religion. Is Satanism really a religion, or is it an anti-religion? Should America really be okay with supporting those who worship evil? Satan is a Jewish-Muslim-Christian concept. Satanists are Jewish-Muslim or Christians who are in opposition to all that is good about these traditions. It is not a religion but an anti-religion, or at best, a rebellion club. Perhaps it is time to limit freedom of religion, to freedom of religion, and weed out the antireligious, and dangerous cults. The Illuminati is marching us straight to hell, with their, “left! left! left, right, left!”
Perhaps there is a need for another party, a party which preserves the best of the left and the right. The Freedom Party would guard the constitution as it already exists, including freedom of religion. The Freedom Party would guard the constitution as it already exists, including the right to bear arms. The Freedom Party would preserve the constitution as it already exists, including freedom of speech. The Freedom Party would guard both the right to profit from ingenuity, and the basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That I have to propose the Freedom Party to demonstrate that America is dangerously close to losing freedom to a fascist dictatorship should scar you. When did American political parties assume the right to obliterate our freedoms and call it patriotism?
It is possible to assume too much power. Those concerned with the Illuminati in positions of power are concerned with government surveillance. The Nazis were proud of their surveillance system. The people lived in fear. Big Brother is not just a fictitious notion of a possible future. It was based in the observation that the terror that reigned in Nazi Germany was made possible through their surveillance. The people knew that their homes were bugged, their phones tapped, and their mail was being read. The consequences of speaking out against the Nazi Party were deadly, even in your own home. To assume this is not a possibility in America would be to ignore the lessons of the past.
Is Edward Snowden a hero, or a traitor? Given my research I called him a hero, and I still do. Spying on American citizens is a dangerous slope to take. This is certainly not something that should be blindly trusted to government. On the other hand, and this has taken me time to acknowledge, surveillance of citizens may very well have a legitimate place in a fight against the Illuminati. They are after all, “homegrown terrorists.” Many survivors are still caught up in the brainwashing they have been so carefully programmed to believe. They hate the Illuminati, but they haven’t all come to realize that the Illuminati may be those provoking them to hate the leaders they are so motivated to assassinate. I found myself hoping that those Nazis promoting these fears had their homes bugged and their phones tapped. These are homegrown terrorists after all. Lyndon LaRouche was a criminal, recognized as such, and prosecuted.
It is a double edge sword; a catch 22. It’s a good thing that Edward Snowden brought to the forefront the possibility, the threat, of our society under surveillance. On the other hand, what if there are secret service officers working to take down the criminal underground, the Illuminati? I hope so. Is it possible that the Illuminati would want us to rebel against surveillance to the extent that we eliminate the greatest threat to them? It is good to be aware that the government has the ability to track our phone calls and find anyone anywhere. It would be good to keep this ability from becoming a weapon in the hands of a dictator. It might also be good to trust that there are officers looking out for the best interest of American citizens, even if they are lower on the totem pole. It becomes a question of whether there are those in positions of trust who can be trusted, to keep America free.
Lyndon LaRouche was Illuminati. Lyndon LaRouche was taken down. Officers have taken down Nazi extremists. Can we trust our law enforcement to choose freedom for our people? I choose to believe most are glad that America is free and believe it is their duty to keep it that way. Let’s watch those with the power of surveillance. Yes there are Illuminati in positions of power, especially in our nation’s intelligence agencies, from their very foundation. Our intelligence agencies need to be weeded, from the top. So let’s weed it; but keep in mind that we might have use for these organizations. This will be a tricky war. Let’s hope we don’t vote for another Hitler in the meantime.
(I deleted this post thinking that “How to Build a Nazi” would take its place. I changed my mind. Sometimes I need to keep my hands off the edit buttons.)