Not only do they use violence and intimidation to achieve their ends, they use the most vial violence and human atrocities against our children. Mind control achieved the old fashion way, torture, is their objective. They are right-wing extremists spreading lies about our government and leaders. If they seem harmless because their lies are insanely easy to debunk, think again. It doesn’t matter that you don’t believe their lies. It doesn’t even matter whether they believe their lies. They believe their lives depend on spreading these lies and participating in achieving the objectives of the leadership of this organization. Take a look at what they have achieved so far.
Consider world events which have the word Illuminati or New World Order attached to them. The sign out front of the Weaver’s cabin at Ruby Ridge read “Stop the New World Order!” The Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, was acting in retaliation against the Waco Siege and Ruby Ridge and he was influenced by The Turner Diaries and New World Order conspiracy theories. Lyndon LaRouche tortured his party members into submitting to his Illuminati conspiracy theory driven agenda. If you think these people are harmless consider how close we are to electing a right-wing nut like Hitler. The Tea Party is not harmless. The Republican Party is nothing close to moderate. They are suing the President for doing his job. The Illuminati is hardly underground any more.
The Aryan Nation, Timothy McVeigh, and Lyndon LaRouche are just the tip of the Iceberg. In the meantime, my advice is to hang to the left, and if you meet a right-wing fanatic convinced that the Illuminati are taking over the world and plotting a Satanic New World Order, believe them. They know the Illuminati to be real. They have been tortured and brainwashed using very convincing methods. It’s merely the direction the evil will come from they are confused about. They made a deal with the devil, but these right-wing Christian fanatics either don’t realize it, or won’t tell you if they do. They are controlled by fear mixed with all the confusion that comes with torture based brainwashing methods.