Mom: Jesus Christ stands for love and peace Satan stands for hate and fear. Who do you stand with?
Mom: I HOPE Jesus Christ.
Me: I stand with peace and love.
Mom: By the way I am not impressed with your references. You need to search for truth not the ranting of bigots. Where did you find the anti-Mormon book…?
Me: The Tanners were Mormon historians. I am not anti-Mormon. I know that my mother is supportive of peace and love. I love my mother. I look for the truth. There are those who do evil in every religion. Evil hides in unexpected places. I work in facts. It is a historical fact that Joseph Smith was a Mason. This does not mean he was good or bad. The temple ceremonies reflect the Masonic rites. This fact could be checked by reading about the Masonic rites. If you have been through the temple you will recognize the connection. Being Mormon or Masonic does not mean one is good or evil. I simply means you are Mormon or Mason. Seeking the truth requires being open to it. Love you mom.
Mom: Love you too
In Response:
The Tanners felt betrayed when they found, in their search through Mormon history, facts that conflicted with their expectations. They turned to a form of Christian extremism to satisfy their sense of betrayal. Still the facts they uncovered were facts.
To weed evil it must be recognized in every nook and cranny it might hide. Evil hides in every religious tradition. It hides among the Pagans, the Mormons, the Catholics, Muslims and the Masonic order. It hides anywhere there are people who believe the cultural categories to which they belong are immune to evil infiltrations. There is no organization immune no matter how good the organizations basic intentions. The only immunity lies in seeing evil, wherever it rises. Evil uses notions of entitlement, bigotry, and the notion of superiority, and motivates toward the dehumanization of others outside any cultural category. Extremism is a cancer that threatens to taint those in any religion without regard to which tradition. The first sin: Genesis 4:1-16. Weed evil wherever it is seen, but first within the organizations, religions, and countries you hold sacred.
The connection between Masonic rites and the Mormon temple ceremonies is not a determination of evil in either organization. It does however create a link to an organization that is set up with the intent of creating a fascist dictatorship that rules with fear and evil dehumanization. The link between Mormon temple ceremonies and Masonic rites is a lucky clue, not a condemnation of either organization. The connection serves to expose a dangerous group.
The history of a fascist Luciferian order used the Masonic rites and structure. There was once a quasi-faction of Masons who called themselves the Illuminati. They developed a quasi-Masonic order, using the structure of the Masons. Their leader was Adam Weishaupt. Their membership were trained as spies. Their motive was to dismantle those in leadership positions, Monarchs. There is evidence that they were responsible for the French revolution. Membership in the Illuminati was made a capital offence and the order disappeared.
Years later, in the 1800’s, there was evidence that the Illuminati continued. There was a rise in quasi-Masonic occult orders. The organizations led by Aliester Crowley, the OTO, were examples of these quasi-Masonic occult orders. There is no evidence, however, that the original Illuminati were an occult order. It’s important to notice the prefix quasi, meaning a pseudo wanna-be. The Masons never acknowledged these seditious occult groups. The Masons are not an occult order. The Masonic order is likely the evolution of the Knights of Templar who were forced underground by Pope Clement V, and King Philip IV of France. Being a Mason or a Mormon does not make someone a member of the underground occult order. These two groups are especially vulnerable however, because of their shared rites, which were borrowed and perverted by the occult order responsible.
There is evidence that the quasi-Masonic occult orders that came later were Luciferian, motivated toward fascism, were anti-Semitic, and responsible for the rise of Nazi Germany. The Nazi SS was an occult brotherhood. Their occult Black Order rites created by Karl Maria Weisthor, under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler, took place at their castle at Wewelsburg. Being involved in the occult is not an indication that one is evil. Occult means one believes in the power of ritual and magic, but does not indicated whether the magic is being used for good or evil. These quasi-Masonic groups were notably committed to evil.
The quasi-Masonic occult Luciferian fascists developed their methods of sadistic mind control in the concentration camps. Nazi concentration camp scientists like doctor Mengele, the angel of death, conducted horrific experiments on twins unfortunate enough to be sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Mengele was a captain in the Schutzstaffel, the Nazi SS. After the war the Nazi, occult brotherhood, Luciferians, were given visas, by intelligence agencies in many countries. In America a little research in the CIA’s project Paperclip exposes this fact. The CIA’s project MK-Ultra and its subprojects provided these occult Luciferians the opportunity to continue their objective.
Today we have ritual abuse survivors who are convinced that the Illuminati are responsible for the horrific nightmare they have been subjected to since birth. The extreme trauma they have been exposed to since birth, is intentional, with the objective of creating Dissociative Identity Disorder. This disorder provides this evil brotherhood with well-trained programmed assets they can use in their objective toward a fascist world dictatorship. These survivors tend to be Illuminati conspiracy theorist, believing that the Illuminati, who are responsible for their abuse, are the elite, who must be exposed and dismantled from their elite positions. While it is true that the original Illuminati were motivated to dismantle monarchs, it is logical that the concept that the Illuminati being the elite will motivate the tortured survivors to bring down those in power. The consequences of dismantling those targeted by these Illuminati conspiracy theorists may well create the opposite of the hope of survivors. The hope to dismantle the Illuminati whom they believe are responsible for their abuse is understandable, but who are members of the Luciferian order, really? The original Illuminati were not the elite. They were wanna-bes
Survivors tend to have dissociated parts that have been raised with Nazi ideology. These survivors have been trained to continue the nightmare they themselves have been exposed to. This order has infected the family unit. Children are raised by people who were raised exposed to these rites and extreme abuse. The occult activities are conditioned and maintained through fear. It is taught that those who leave will be hunted down and brutally murdered. It is like being born into a sort of Mafia family.
Some survivors claim that Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino is head of the organization responsible for the ritual abuse they have been exposed to. Michael Aquino is founder of the Temple of Set. Set is an Egyptian deity of evil. Linda Blood, who had connections to Michael Aquino, told about a survivor she called Helen who found that her phone, and the phone of her friends, were tapped. Police traced the tap and found computer and telephone equipment for switching information to other phone numbers. It was an illegal operation, but the concerns of Helen were confirmed. The point here is that while members of the elite may, or may not, be responsible, people in positions of power, especially within the military, are likely involved and utilize resources from these positions. There are members of this organization who have the power to call off investigations. For example, the investigation into the Finders, a child porn ring involved in ritual abuse was terminated by the State Department. The CIA admitted to owning the group.
Perhaps the best response is to counter the goals of the group responsible, and live our lives outside their objective with commitment to maintaining our freedoms. Perhaps the answer is to be clear about maintaining our freedoms and declare our awareness of their pointless objective. We sing the song, “So What”, in the closing of the film Absolute Beginners. If we provide a safe place for survivors to heal and be heard, we win. We need to bring to justice those who have committed crimes, especially if they are in positions to call off investigations. We win, when we believe survivors.
Blood, L. (1994). The New Satanist, New York: Grand
Central Publishing,Warner Books, p166
Robinson, J. J. (1989/2009). Born in Blood: The Lost
Secrets of Freemasonry, Lanham, New York, Boulder, Toronto, Plymoth, UK: M. Evans.
Constantine, A. (1995). Psychic Dictatorship in the
U.S.A., Portland, OR: Feral House Constantine, A. (1997). Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations In America, Venice, CA: Feral House. P.124-126.
Goodrick-Clark, N. (1985/1992). The Occult Roots of
Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.