This Easter, and every Easter since my niece asked about eyeballs, all holidays have taken on a dark and painful feel. I know what my loved ones may be enduring. Easter, in the Christian tradition, is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. It is a celebration of new life, in both the Christian and the Pagan tradition. For the Pagans they appreciate the goddess of spring, Ostara. The cult that is guilty of the ritual abuse atrocities committed against my family pervert religious holidays. Survivors who describe being buried alive in coffins and shallow graves as children, sometimes with dead bodies, and or spiders are remembering the Easter celebrations of their cult involved families. One survivor who told me about the events of this holiday said that she had a relative who did not survive this burial ritual. She believed he died of fright.
Easter is a mockery of the resurrection. Easter is a mockery of new life. Children are told to go ahead and pray to Jesus, and hope that he will save them as they a buried. When they are rescued from their night of terror by the very adults who placed them there, they will be mocked if they prayed. They are told that Jesus will never save them. They belong to Satan. The cult members will be the only ones who will save them. This creates a sort of perverted bonding with their cult family. The message is that survival is dependent on cult loyalty. There are survivors who have witnessed people being crucified. I think of my nephew staring into the backyard at Easter time and saying, “we slept outside last night.” It had been far too cold, for any sane humans, to make children sleep outside. I think of my niece, with her diabetes that needs to be monitored so closely at night. Holidays are a time I feel survivor guilt, and can barely restrain myself from running in with hopes of saving the day. Holidays, such as Easter, are a very painful time of year. Holidays I sit with my survivor friends, and listen to their pain and night terrors. Holidays I wish for relief from ignorance, and a future where children are all safe in warm beds and loved by all their village.
Beautiful flowers, and a celebration of life to you all.
Happy Easter, and I do mean happy, warm, and safe.