I understand very well that there are many survivors who speak about being abused in Wiccan cults. Before I get started I would like to point out that many of these survivors experience the exact same programming experiences as those abused by day time Christians, Satanists…. In other words, the perpetrators are not Wiccan, or Christian, or Muslim, or… and yet they are exactly the same group. If there is a group most implicated, it would be the Masons, given their historic connection to the Illuminati and the fact that regardless of the religious group survivors implicate, their abuse is often similar in that masonic rites and terminology have been utilized. My book provides background on the Masonic Illuminati connection. This history should be understood before jumping to conclusions.
Most of my understanding of Wicca comes from my friend I refer to in my book as my “pagan mentor.” She did not consider herself to be Wiccan. She identified as “pagan-eclectic.” She explained the term pagan as being the native traditions of any given culture that recognizes a pantheon of deities. These deities have been misinterpreted by Christian invaders. They are not literal. They represent aspects of God or nature, sometimes human nature. When I asked her which brand of pagan she was she said, “Euro-pagan” and reminded me again that she was “eclectic.” The Greco-Roman traditions were “Euro-pagan.” The Germanic traditions were “Euro-pagan.” The Celtic traditions were “Euro-pagan.” Wicca was a Celtic tradition. It was the tradition of the female priestesses, while the druids were the male order of the same tradition. There are many “Euro-pagan” traditions, just as there are many Native American traditions. Wicca was not a dark side cult and it most certainly was not devil worship given there is no concept of the devil in any of the pagan traditions. The devil or Satan is a Judeo-Christian-Muslim concept, which with enough history can be said to have derived from the Egyptian god of evil and destruction, Shaitan. The Hebrew people may have brought this concept with them when they left Egypt.
The Wiccan tradition has been as successfully devastated as the Native American traditions, to the point that there has been far more lost than there is that remains. But there are some aspects that have been salvaged by those who tried to hold their traditions underground during the persecution. In the Native American tradition they use white sage to cleans their living space of dark, unwelcome spirits. They have dream catchers to catch bad dreams at night. In the Wiccan tradition we have sea salt to block the passing of spirits that mean to harm from passing our threshold. The Wiccan’s had the sea. Native Americans had white sage. The Wiccans, like all other pagan traditions, were an Earth based tradition. They recognized their connection to the Earth and the Universe that surrounded them. They held wisdom regarding the Earth’s cycles and the cycles of the stars. Like all religious traditions they studied our connection to life beyond the physical realm as well.
The word “witch” is a mispronunciation of invaders with the agenda of calling Wiccans devil worshipers to justify the genocide of the native people. The Catholic invaders heard the people calling themselves Wiccan and pronounced it “witch.” My pagan mentor stressed that it would be very unwise to use the word “witch” in reference to oneself regardless of whether or not this history is understood. Like the swastika, the word witch has dark magic attached to it, regardless of its harmless origin. There is a great deal of power in words. In fact this is the stuff magic is made of. The Wiccans themselves would say that magic is in thought word and deed. The word witch has come to mean one who is involved in Satan worship or black magic. The Wiccans most certainly did understand the concept of black magic. If I seek healing for my sick friend, I can be said to be using white magic. If I am looking into the properties of plants to poison my enemy, I can be said to be using black magic. There is no concept of the devil in Wicca, but they did understand the difference between good and evil, and they did study the properties of plants. Wiccans were priestesses and as such responsible for learning the properties of plants to help the people. Today we have pharmacies. In the world of Wiccans, they looked to medicinal plants and the world around them. Yes, there can be Wiccans who practice black magic, just as there are day time Christians who practice Satan worship at night. My pagan mentor called herself a light worker.
I suspect that the “Wicca” experienced by survivors of ritual abuse is often not Wicca at all. The history of the Illuminati has close ties to the work of Aleister Crowley, who made no secret of simply borrowing from every tradition he found and perverting their sacred symbols and rites. I suspect that those survivors who have experienced abuse within groups calling themselves Wiccan are actually groups who found the work of Gerald Gardner, who is said to have revived Wicca. Gardner claimed to have met up with a group of Wiccans and revitalized the tradition by writing The Book of Shadows. He collaborated with Aleister Crowley. As if the Wiccan tradition had not suffered enough in the way of having their tradition butchered, Gardner and Crowley worked to finish it off. You hear things like “sky clad,” meaning a ceremony done in the nude. This is a Gardner doctrine, not a Wiccan tradition. I’m sure there are groups that consider themselves to be Wiccan who work with Gardner’s The Book of Shadows who are not involved in ritual abuse. The Book of Shadows is not a manual in the trade of ritual abuse.
To properly address the interest of the reader who requested more information I need to talk about the occult, magic, psychics, and the mystical. Many of the great spiritual masters, from every tradition, were called mystics. They were said to have special spiritual gifts. The push of the Illuminati is to convince their opposition that, as Ken Bowers said, “New Agers, witchcraft…all have ‘spirit guides,’ but Christians really know them as evil spirits.” This is hate talk that provides the justification to commit genocide against any tradition that is not Christian. Notice that it is not said that Christians have no communication with the other side, or do not have mystical experiences. It merely demonized the spiritual journey of any who do not submit to their dogma.
Yes, there are evil spirits. Yes, there are light workers. Yes, there are psychics. Yes, there are healers. Yes, there are angels. Yes…. The native traditions from all over the world recognize these dimensions beyond the physical. Would we expect anything less from the Universe than to provide the same capacity to make these connections to her children from every corner of the world?
I was introduced to my pagan mentor through my roommate in 1995. My roommate had some tarot cards and showed me how to use them. I heard her talking to her friend (the woman who would become my pagan mentor) on the phone later that night. She said, “She pulled the card from the top. Her interpretations were right on. I have never seen anything like this done on a first try.” My roommate invited this friend to dinner to meet me. This was my introduction to my pagan mentor. She took an interest in training me in the development of what she felt was a natural psychic ability. She gave me a tarot deck she said she had worked on designing with a friend of hers. She taught me to take a message in a bottle, as I discuss in my book. She taught me to notice the world around me and the sequence of events. She taught me to pay attention to dreams. She talked about archetypes and suggested I read the work of Carl Jung. She said there is a difference between dreams of power and dreams in which the mind is simply processing the events of the day. Her dream work with me became very much like that of Don Juan’s training of Carlos Castaneda in the book The Art of Dreaming. I was very taken back when I read Castaneda’s book over 20 years later. I have learned that traditions all over the world have stunning similarities.
The near death experience I mention in my book happened when I was 20. This was 5 years before I met my pagan mentor. My pagan mentor believed that my natural ability may well be due to the fact that I had this experience. She said that near death experiences often result in psychic gifts. It “thins the veil,” she said, and because I have experienced the empathic form of communication that takes place on the other side, it makes it easier to remember this “language” here.
As I begin to tell of this journey with my pagan mentor I feel overwhelmed. I realize this topic could easily become at least a book, if not a series. It did for Carlos Castaneda. I apologize, but I do not believe I can tell you everything in a single blog post. Perhaps it is simply an inspiration for another book if there is more interest. I suppose to complete the response to this readers inquiry I can say that I do believe in the occult given that the definition of occult is the belief in the power to communicate with those beyond the physical realm, whether, demon, angel, guardian, other light workers, those who have passed or “witches.” My pagan mentor warned that just because someone is communicating from beyond does not mean they are good. Those who pass from the physical are no better and no worse than those found in the physical realm. If one is seeking to take control of your body, as in channeling, be very cautious. The physical is where the action is. If they want to have an impact in this world, it is fair to ask why they don’t seek to be born and take on a body of their own. This is your life. Don’t let anyone live it for you. Choice is an eternal law that must be respected, in fact, it is Choice granted that defines God, and an effort to abolish Choice that defines evil. Don’t offer it up willingly.
Ritual abuse and mind control can also be recognized with this simple rule of Choice. It is Choice perpetrators attempt to remove. They lose. It cannot be done. Ultimately we are all free to choose. Choose freedom or choose slavery. Choose to be slave or oppressor, or free and free. We have the freedom to choose, and always will. This is God’s infallible gift. Yes, a slave has had freedom removed, but not all, and not ultimately. Ultimately, even a slave is free to choose how he or she will respond to oppression. God is infinite freedom. The pagan motto “an it harm none, do as thou wilt,” did not imply that anything goes. If it harms none, it is our obligation to find our own personal journey, apart from any “master,” who taught us what he or she may know. My pagan mentor taught me what she knew, but it was my obligation to follow my own path. This is my life, not hers, though I am grateful for all she taught. We should not try to be like Jesus. We should try to incorporate the wisdom of masters into our own journey. Oh, my, but I’m sounding preachy. This is what my mentor taught, but she did not sound preachy. It’s time for me to stop. Your assignment: Color outside the lines today, or don’t.